13- Welcome

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a few months had passed the members were more than willing to help, even clearing out a room for the baby. Marissa was now coming closer to her due date, and jimin came around almost every day.

It was currently 8:30am and Marissa was cooking for the members. a sleepy BamBam wandered down the stairs, Yugyeom and Youngjae in tow.

"good morning boys" Marissa greeted them each with a hug, receiving a groggy

"good morning Mari" in reply. She served them breakfast as usual and smiled as she sat on the barstool. receiving the usual morning text from mark. she sighed softly. Mark had gone out earlier that morning and she was left alone. The door opened and Marissa jumped up, expecting to see Mark, but it was only Jimin.

"Oh, hi.." she said sadly

"Dont be so down! Come on you love me! And the baby can feel your moods now" she chuckled, Marissa just nodded.

Jimin hugged her "i know you miss him but you signed up for this remember? You knew this would happen" Mari once again ndded, waddling to the couch and sitting in pain.

"So how do you feel?" Jimin asked her "you look as stunning as always" she smiled.

"Thank you, and i feel like shit. Im in so much pain lately" she said softly and jimin squealed.

"That just means its almost time to meet your baby"

Marissa laughed, looking to her stomach as she rubbed it "im not ready for you" she giggled nervously, even though she was being sarcastic.


Meanwhile Mark was at the radio station, part taking in an interview

"So Mark, its not often we see you on your own. As a group we don't usually get to ask you much. Why don't you tell us what's been going on"

Mark looked to his manager for permission who just nodded.

"It's been well" Mark chuckled "the little shows we've done every now and again have been really great"


Marissa smiled as she listened to him on the radio, his voice soothing as always.

"I actually met someone. She's super nice" the radio host awwed softly, and marissa shot her gaze to the radio, listening intently.

"Ahh a girlfriend?" The interviewer asked and although no one could see it, Mark had the biggest grin on his face "yeah, and she means the world to me, she's made me happy ever since I first met her. And now soon she'll be having my first child" Mark told them. Marissa was shocked to say the least, she began wondering how Mark got the permission to make them public.

"Ahh, that's really nice, is it someone we are familiar with" the host asked and marissa was now joined by yugyeom abd bambam

"No, she's not an idol. And i'm happier that way" he admitted.

"Ahhh i see, so no talent at all" the host pressured

"She has talent" Mark defended, getting a little angry "she just decides not to show hers to the world and I think that's okay" he stared down the interviewer.

Marissa felt pain in her stomach and youngjae placed a hand on her shoulder "you alright?" He asked and she nodded

"So when will we get to meet her?" The interviewer asked, coughing awkwardly. It was never nice to be on mark's bad side, which the presenter most definitely now was.

"Not right now, she's heavily pregnant so maybe after the baby is born" he said.

"Okay, tell us what future projects you will be working on as a group, what do igot7's have to look forward to this year?" The interviewer questioned.

Marissa stopped paying attention, focusing on her breathing as jimin had taught her. She groaned in pain. They were more frequent now and hurt more. She tried her best not to cry in front of the boys.

Without realising it, having been too focused on the pain in her stomach, Marissa was picked up by Jackson, taken to the hospital with yugyeom and jimin in tow.

"I hate these places. Not one of you could have told me we were going here?" Marissa growled, sat in the waiting room.

"If we told you, you wouldn't have come" jimin smirked.

"That's the point" the pregnant female groaned.

Marissa was taken in and looked over by the doctor, checking to see if she was dialated at all "2 cm dialated. The baby will definitely be here by the end of the week" she smiled. "We'll get a birthing suite set up for you!"

Marissa cried softly "mark..." was the only word to leave her mouth, jimin nodding to jackson who left the room, yugyeom kneeling beside her. She continued to take deep breaths, hating where she was, hating more that mark wasn't with her.


"Yeah" Mark nodded, in answer to the question. He side glanced to his manager who left the room to take a call. The interviewer carried on with questions and his manager came back in.

"I'm sorry we'll have to end it here, Mark has some more appointments to attend to."

The interview closed off and Mark got back in the car "what's next?" He asked his manager, who looked back at him with a smile.

"Next is the birthing of your baby" he said softly. Mark looking shocked. His leg bouncing from anticipation "i'm on the way baby, i wont miss this.."


The doctor had come by to check the dialation of Marissa since it had been a while "you're 5cm dialated now, you're progressing fast miss Topson" she smiled. Marissa nodded.

"How long will it take?" She asked.

The doctor bit her lip, knowing the next sentence would be bound to make the first time mother to be upset. "Well. There no actual time frame, some people take a few hours, others take a few days" she had a sympathetic look on her face as Marissa cried softly. Mark burst through the door and immediately went to his girlfriends side.

"I'm here now princess" he whispered, rubbing her knuckles gently. He did his best with comforting the woman in need, but she only cried and punched his chest.

"You're evil! This is all your fault!" She cried in pain. Mark nodded, he knew she didn't mean it. He just had to take it for now and it would be over soon.


a few hours later, marissa was fully dialated and in the birthing process. with mark having a tight hold on her hand as she pushed, the doctors encouraging her the baby was out fairly quickly, marissa screaming profanities as she pushed. 

"congratulations" the dosctor smiled "you have a healthy baby girl!" he handed the baby over to marissa who burst into tears, looking at their baby.

"we made this?" she asked mark who was now perched beside her.

"we did princess, we made her" he grinned proudly.

"will you name her?" Marissa asked her boyfriend, gently handing over the baby.

"i think Marley suits her perfectly" the male said as he ogled and the stunning baby girl in his arms.

"Marley Tuan" Marissa grinned and carefully sat up, looking at the father of her baby. "it's perfect" she smiled, looking at the both of them.

"welcome to the world, little Tuan" Mark grinned.

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