Part one

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Sooo I just started 6th grade most people would think yay you get too have dances and actually start dating...but no for me it's like welcome too your first year off fresh pure h*ll the girls get meaner the boys get well...grosser and kinda cuter it's bittersweet I would say but so far it's my first day and I have some friends at the school like jayden, Ry , Emallee , natyle, and Isabella and they are the best and most loyal friends someone could ever have (I also have friends out of this school) oh! And about myself my name is Caitlyn and I am a "weirdo" but really no one really knows who I am what I like too do and what I intend too do with this wonderful amazing thing called life sooo here's my story I came too TR in the fourth grade and I started out being a popular a clone of this really mean girl named Jenna she's a cheerleader and in everyone's mind except mine and my friends she's perfect and she absolutely hated me! But that's fine because I hated her too ☺️ and after a month I decided I was just done with the drama and acting like your 15 when your not so I started hanging out with Isabella but after a while I decided well this is kinda boring because all we would do is try too climb up the slide so then I started hanging out with ry which I'm glad I did because for the first time since I came to this school I was happy and me and Ry were best friends then she introduced me to her friend Emily and she was really nice too and then we were all bffs soooooo then 5th grade came and we still hung out at the beginning of the year yet we were in different classes and I started hanging out with this girl named jayden who was in my class and she would make me do things I really didn't want to do and made me feel like I was just some kind of minion and at the beginning of the year and in 4th grade I liked this guy dayne he didn't like me though he liked this super ugly girl named Bethany which I guess was fine but then I saw him in my mind the one his name was William and I sat by him in the 5th grade he was funny cute and really nice yet I didn't know he liked Parker so I asked him out and he said no because he liked Parker yet I stilled liked him and then I decided to be a b*tch to my best friend Ry and Emily and then we weren't friends again sooo yea but then after a while we were because I apologized fort b*tchyness and yea so then 6th grade came along and William was in a different class 😭 and this knew guy named Finn is in my class so I thought in my mind I liked him when I didn't it was just this big mind trick I put myself threw too try and get over the fact that William likes someone else soo then I told Taylor I liked Finn and I don't really soo then she told Finn and it turns out Finn likes me I'm sooo screwed and I bet I'm going to get asked to the dance by him same with this ass named Henry who's real name is Mathew yet he goes by Henry so it's kinda like the crap that makes zero sense and I hate Henry sooooo much and then in friends with Christian who likes me too yet I don't like him I like William and I think I will until probably I move and I am determine this year too go to at least one dance with him sooo that's how it is sooo far later on after a month or two I'm probably going to write the second part of this and ya

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