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Afternoon sunshine overlooked everything as Mabel grins and pushes the door to the shack open, skipping in. Too many bags in tow she calls out for her family, "Grunkles! We're hoooome!" Turning to Dipper she laughs at his struggle. Sporting at least four bags of books and notes plus his own junk, Dipper trudges in through the door. He had decided to bring nearly his entire workspace, which to say in the least, is a lot.

"Kids!" A voice booms through the air, "What took you so long?". Grunkle Stan quickly made his way into the room, grabbing hold of the younger set of twins he squeezed them into a tight hug.

"There- was traffic on the highway" Dipper wheezed, sucking in a deep breath as he was let go. A smile quickly found its way back to his face "How've you been? Where's Great Uncle Ford?" Head tilted past to look past his Grunkle after noticing there was only one of them.

"In town on a Pitt-Cola run, he'll be back soon. What's all that?"

Looking back Dipper remembered all of his stuff, "Oh! I brought all of my studies to show Grunkle Ford! After we left I started collecting notes and data on any strange creatures I could find, though there's not much of that in Piedmont" He boasted, and held up a smaller bag "And of course some clothes".

Before Grunkle Stan could comment Mabel cut in- "And I brought stuff to make more sweaters! I have gifts for everyone too!"

Grunkle Stan couldn't help but laugh again, "18 years old and you two still haven't changed, huh?" He ruffles Mabels hair, "Good".

A car door slams outside followed by the rustle of plastic bags and footsteps. Door pushing open behind the group showed another older man, 5 o'clock stubble growing in. Noticing the company the figure grinned, "Kids!" Ford set the bags down and held his arms wide open for hugs. Dipper and Mabel both closing in at the same time, they were glad for his long arms.

Being released Mabel reached for her bags, "Do you guys want to see what I brought for you?" She asks excitedly, getting a six-fingered hand response to pause her.

"Show us after dinner tonight maybe? I heard Greasy's Diner is back open"

Mable nods, "Ok!" Leaning her elbow on her brother she realized the one thing they hadn't figured out yet "Where are we sleeping?"

Dipper hoped for the attic in all honesty, he missed bunking with his sister. Once they went home they went back to staying in their own rooms and he missed her constant company, though they decided to have a few living room sleepovers to hang out.

Stan winced, "Oh, crap yeah. I forgot about that".

Instantly Ford turned to him, "Seriously? I reminded you like 20 times!"

"What? I'm getting forgetful in my old age, I'm not young like you"

"We're the same age Stanley!"

Dipper waved his hands to end their bickering, a small laugh slipping past him "Relax guys, is the attic still open?"

Ford nodded, "Yes, it should be"

Mabel grabbed her own bags, "Perfect! Race you up Dip Dop!" Without another word she bolted past the others and up the stairs.

"Hey!" Dipper yelped, face flushing as his voice cracked. Coughing, he deepened his voice "No fair!". Taking off after his sister he forgot two bags behind, Ford picking them up with some struggle.

"Christ, what's in here?" Opening it Ford revealed some loose notes and light blue journal with a pine tree on it, "Oh?"

Stan laughed, "Dipper still is persistent in his geeky studies, he kinda reminds me of someone I know". Playfully punching Fords shoulder he grabs a broom from the corner, "Let's bring this up to em. They'll need to do some cleaning up there".

A few hours later and the attic has been cleansed of its spiders and dust, beds set up and everything unpacked. Taking a good look around Dipper couldn't help but smile softly, taking a deep breath he sighed "It feels just like we're 12 again"

Mabel was sprawled out on her bed, looking up at the ceiling and counting the stickers from her old obsessions "Almost looks it too".

Mindless chatter ensued, talking about their summer from so long ago and their plans for this year. Over the past five years the two have grown even closer if anything, but they've also learned to be apart. Going into different courses of studies have taken time away from each other but when they have each other it's so much more satisfying. So much has happened since they've been in this shack but it felt just the same, it felt right. The same musty pine scent seeping from the walls, creaks and moans yelling from the floorboards every time you stepped, and questionable chatter from the forest all fit right into place with each other.

Rolling of the bed Mabel stood, stretching "It's starting to get later, wanna go see if da Grunkles be ready to go get dinner?"

Nodding, Dipper placed one more journal in a drawer before following her downstairs "Grammar, Mabel" He grinned. After Weirdmageddon it had become an inside joke to call out each others grammar mistakes after the infamous line, "Grammar, Stanley".

Turning with a smirk Mabel punched his arm before sliding down the railing to the realm of the downstairs. Holding back a squeak Dipper rubbed the slowly forming bruise, stepping down the stairs.

With little to no debate the group was stuffing into Fords pick up truck heading into town. Parking the truck they all got out, heading inside. Unnoticed by them a simple carving of an eye started to faintly glow on a tree, notifying a certain someone of the Pines family.

Bill Cipher somewhere in the pits of Hell closed his eye, focusing on looking through the carving was becoming more and more joyous. "The Pines are back in Gravity Falls.. Huh?". An ear splitting cackle erupted out of the mouthless being, "Perfect".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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