Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


When Chris finally heard the knock on his front door, he was practically flying out of his chair and then he stood for a second trying to pretend like he hadn’t been waiting for Tom for the past hour. Meanwhile, outside the door, Tom had deliberately made sure he was exactly six minutes and twenty-two seconds late because he’d also been so excited to see Chris that he’d woken up early.

Stop acting like this is a date, Tom! You’re just taking him clothes shopping! And showing him around town and maybe stopping for lunch…okay maybe it is a date.

Tom couldn’t even laugh at his inner monologue as he waited for Chris to open the door. When the door finally came open, both of them were extremely red in the face and Tom felt his stomach fill with butterflies.

“Hi,” he whispered bashfully, his hands shaking a bit.

“Hi,” Chris replied equally as shyly, feeling his heart in his throat as he cupped Tom’s cheeks, using the gentle grip to anchor him into the house before leaning down to kiss him wetly on his mouth.

The sound Tom made – like a cute mewling whimper – in the back of his throat nearly drove Chris out of his mind. When Chris pulled away, Tom had a faraway dreamy look on his face that made the alpha’s lower belly clench with love and longing.

“Are you ready?” Tom finally asked when he landed back on earth, his voice deliciously breathy.

Chris smiled. “Ready as I’ll ever be. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for this.”

“You don’t need to,” Tom said with a playful grin, “I’m doing this from the goodness of my heart.”

“Of course,” Chris replied dryly, making Tom laugh.

“I hope you haven’t had breakfast because I plan on taking you to this lovely place just down the road –”

“Tom, wait,” Chris murmured and Tom turned to look at him questioningly. Chris felt his cheeks heat up furiously as he dragged the omega into his arms and rubbed their noses together, bathing Tom in his scent.

“O-oh,” Tom whispered shakily, nuzzling into the side of Chris’s face, unable to repress the light shiver that trailed up his spine as Chris’s scent of pine and musk mixed headily with his own scent of milk and honey. They stood there for a while in an intimate embrace, scent marking each other until of course, Chris couldn’t resist and he was capturing Tom’s lips in soft kisses, gently sucking and licking on his soft small lips.

Chris,” Tom moaned in a whine and Chris blushed, pulling away.

They were both red in the face as they made their way towards the lifts. There was a silence, tense with sexual tension as they waited for the elevator to get to the ground floor. It was only when they were entering Tom’s jeep that the omega asked, “Oh, yeah, I was asking if you’d had breakfast? Because I wanted to take you to this cute shop. They make the best waffles,” Tom said excitedly and Chris laughed because Tom honestly looked like a little kid going to get ice-cream for the first time.

“No, I haven’t had breakfast yet,” Chris responded with a smile, “Waffles sound really nice.”

Tom beamed and they were on their way to G & Ms.


Tom was positively the most adorable thing Chris has ever seen. He’d taken fresh strawberries and vanilla ice-cream on his waffle and was currently taking cute little bites out of it. With each bite, his eyes fluttered closed like it was the most heavenly thing he had ever tasted and each bite just seemed to be getting better than the last one. Chris completely understood, having gone for whipped cream instead of ice-cream along with the strawberries because Tom had gotten them and oh, the result was heavenly.

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