Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


When Chris slowly came back to consciousness, he felt two things he hadn’t felt in a very long time; warmth and comfort. He blinked his eyes open and realized he was staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. He swallowed to wet his dry throat and then suddenly stiffened when he heard humming.

His eyes darted around the room frantically, trying to judge his surroundings while his brain slowly tried to recover what had happened to make him end up here. He was in a sitting room that much was clear. It was small but completely furnished, the walls nearly drowning in pictures and posters, the two other chairs in the room were made of red velvet, thick and bouncy and inviting and covered in golden throw pillows.

Chris shifted a bit on the softness he was currently sinking into; realizing that some of the source of warmth he could feel came from the thick, soft blanket currently draped over his naked body.

Wait – naked? Where on earth was he? What was happening?

The thoughts, memories hit him all at once and he clutched is head, whimpering in agony.

He’d been running through the snow for so long his legs had begun to burn but he hadn’t stopped – couldn’t stop. Then he’d smelled the most amazing scent – delicious and mouth-watering, beckoning him closer like a moth to a flame. The most lovely omega he’d ever seen – all pale skin like porcelain and brown hair in wild curls with piercing grey-blue eyes. Unbelievable need had filled his entire being and then fear and mistrust – he didn’t know this person! He couldn’t trust him. Dizziness and then darkness.

He licked his lips and shivered a little when he realized that that scent was still in the air, sweet and soft, slightly beckoning. He felt his mouth fill with saliva and his eyelids droop, his eyelids shooting back open when he heard a door open and then the sight of bare feet padding over wooden floorboards to where he was lying down.

He sat up so fast the entire world spun on its axis and he felt his stomach fly into his throat as he curled over the couch and emptied the contents of his stomach onto parts of the wooden floorboards and the lovely rug lying in the middle of the room, the sounds of his retching filling the small room. He licked his lips, eyes teary from now hard he’d just vomited, staring at the vomit which looked like milky water, soaking up the floorboards and carpet.

“Oh my gosh!” came a concerned gasp from whoever was in the room with him and Chris growled lowly in warning, shifting away from the stranger as all his defences shot up like a jack in the box.

The person immediately stopped and Chris felt the tears build up again in his eyes as he doubled over, retching again and feeling like he was about to puke out his organs. Before he could take a breath, he was retching again, this time allowing the tears run down his cheeks, all his muscles hurting and straining as they contracted hard, forcing the melted snow he’d consumed earlier out of his system in the form of the milky water now taking up more than half of the floor.

“Shit shit shit,” the soft voice murmured and then the footsteps were fading away as the omega left the room.

He came back and Chris immediately curled into the couch, trying to disappear into it, his eyes snapping up to access his attacker.

Beautiful grey-blue eyes met with his and if Chris wasn’t so terrified, he might have said that the man had the most chiselled face he’d ever seen. His face was as slim and lithe as his body, his cheekbones painfully defined like they were sculpted, and his pink lips small and thin. His hair was the colour of caramel and mussed up in short, wild curls that made the omega look so young and innocent. The thick eyelashes that framed his big, almond shaped eyes didn’t help at all either.

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