New quest

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~Percy's Pov~

I was bored.

Impatient, hungry, and just plain bored.

S'up, I'm Percy Jackson, son of Posiedon, twice a hero of Olympus. Survivor of... You know what. To many titles.

I rocked on my feet, and twirled riptide- In pen form- between my fingers. My ADHD acting up.

"Percy, stay still!" Annabeth hissed from beside me.

Annabeth Chase, my beautiful girlfriend. Her blonde hair was pulled back from her face, and into a high ponytail. She looked amazing in her orange t-shirt and blue jeans.

I pouted, playfully sneaking my arm around her shoulders. "But Wise Girl, I hate waiting!"

There was a sigh beside me, and Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades rolled his eyes. "We all do. Now shut up, Kelp Head. She's almost done with the speech."

I rubbed my arm, trying to keep still. I was still bored.

"Persues Jackson. If you do not stop wiggling around," Thalia Grace hissed from Annabeth's other side. "I will personally send you home the hard way."

I rolled my eyes, but tried my best to remain still.

Annabeth put her ear to the large oak doors that lead to the great hall.

"She just ended." She said, stepping back. I reached my hand down, intertwining our fingers. Annabeth smiled at me, her stormy grey eyes feeled with love and curiosity. Leave it to the daughter of Athena to be curious about our new school.

A thundering female's voice came from inside the hall. "Now, let us welcome our new students!"

The great doors open, and the four of us stepped into the hall.

Now maybe I should explain what is happen...

It has been a month after the war with Gaea. Annabeth and I were sitting, chilling beside the lake. Watching the small waves rise and fall against the sand. Annabeth looked tired, her grey eyes were darker than usual, and she had bags under her eyes.

"You okay, wise girl?" I asked softly, pulling her closer to me. She sighed softly, leaning back onto my chest.

"Yeah, just, I've been so busy with the rebuilding on Olympus. It's tiring. Ares keeps asking for statues of him, and Demeter wants a small garden for Persephone. And... I keep having those dreams..."

I hugged her tighter, not ever wanting to let her go again. Every since leaving... That place, me and Annabeth have been having nightmares. Nico probably has them too, but if he is, he hasn't told anyone. I softly put my chin on her head. "Your doing wonderful. Olympus will look great when you finish it."

She smiled, her grey eyes brightened. "Thanks Seaweed Brain."

I kissed her cheek, "Welcome Wise Girl."

"Ugh, get a room you two." a voice came from behind us.

Surprised, we looked around. Nico stood beside a tree, the shadows wrapping around him, but his eyes were filled with humor. I gave him a curt nod, smiling. "Nico. How you you doing?"

Nico shrugged, "Good. Chiron wants to see us at the big house."

Annabeth's grey gaze became curious. "What for?"

Nico shrugged again, and the shadows began to play tag around him. "No idea, but it's big. Thalia's here."

With that note, he disappeared in to the shadows.

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