Hogwarts Letters

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-Harry's pov-

I sighed as Hermione bickered with Ron again. They've been going on about the best ways to travel for ages. Finally, I couldn't take it any more.

"Oi! Shut it!" I called at my two best, yet annoying friends. "You've been arguing like children for the past hour!"

Hermione and Ron faces turned red as they muttered their apologies. I sighed and sunk back onto the couch, giving Ginny a knowing smirk.

We had been staying at the Burrow for awhile now, helping Ron's and Ginny's mum, Mrs. Weasley, around the house. At the moment she was at Diagon Ally, searching for some books to buy. She was still a little stricken about the loss of her son, Fred Weasley. We all missed him. But no one missed him as bad as George Weasley. Fred's twin brother. It's been hard on him.

The Battle of Hogwarts has been hard on all of us.

A loud crack brought me out of my thoughts as I looked up just in time to see something feathery fall from the window.

"Oh, Harold! That bloody bird." Ron said, sighing. "Ginny, can you get him?"

My girlfriend rolled her eyes, But stood and reached out the window. Picking up the Weasley's owl, she helped him stand on his perch as she untied the letter package from his leg. Ginny walked back over, shuffling through the post as she did.

"A letter from Bill and Kingsley. Oh look!" She announced. "It's letters from Hogwarts!"

Everyone of us looked up at her.

"Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, standing up from the couch and walked over to Ginny, who hand her a letter with Hermione's name on it. "What would Profess- I mean, Headmistress McGonagall- want with us?"

"Let's find out." I said, reaching for my letter.

Silence evoked us as the sound of tearing paper filled the room. My eyes scanned the parchment.

Dear Mr. Harry Potter,

I am please to say that Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has been improvenly repaired. Though we are still working on the third and fourth floor.
We have placed a Member Plaque in the great hall for all those who have died in the Battle of Hogwarts...
I would like to inform you that I have decide to ask all Seven Years from last school year if they wish to redo their last year at Hogwarts. I am asking you they same.
It is your choice rather or not to return. Students who don't wish to return will still be counted as graduates.
Please write back, letting me know if you are returning.

Thank you.

Headmistress McGonagall.

I read, and reread the letter twice before looking up.

Hermione had laid the parchment on her lap, looking at us. "Well?" She asked. "Should we go?"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Like I want to go back to school. No thanks, I'm good."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Come on Ronald, it could be fun!" Her face turned sober. "I mean. This could be the first real year we could actually not have to worry about being attack."

My skin crawled a little, but I nodded.

"And it's going to be Ginny's seventh year too. We could have most of the same classes!" Hermione said, her eyes lighting up excitedly. "I'm writing back saying I'll go. You two should do so too."

Ron groaned, "But it's school! Harry, tell her we don't need to go back. It says so in the letter!"

I smiled at my best friend. "I don't know Ron. It could be fun."

Ron sighed, defeated. "Alright. I'm not staying here alone. I'll go back."

Hermione gave a excited squeal and tackled Ron into a hug. "Oh, thank you!"

"We've got to make a trip to Diagon Alley," Ginny said, smiling. "Now don't we?"

I smiled. "Let's grab our robes, and go."


After exiting Gringotts, Hermione led Ron to Madam Malkin's Robes, leaving Ginny and I to ourselves.

"We'll meet up at the Leaky Cauldron in two hour's." Hermione called over her shoulder.

"Alright!" Ginny called back happily.

I twined my fingers through hers, happy to have something to hold onto. People who passed by stared up at me, making me look down at my shoes. Hoping not to get noticed. "Lets go to Eeylops Owl Emporium." He said sadly. He missed Hedwig. "I need an owl..."

Ginny nodded, understanding.

As soon as we entered the Emporium, we were greeted by a wild sight.

Owls were everywhere, hooting and screeching. A dark hair boy stood in the middle of the cluster, trying to protect his head as owls continuously attacked him. Another dark hair boy stood to the side, laughing really hard, he looked to be crying. The owner of the store was running around, trying to get the owls to calm down.

"Immobulus!" Ginny yelled, her wand raised.

All the owls stopped moving. The noise in the store became quiet except for the boy wo was laughing. The boy who had been attacked sent a glare over at the other boy, before wiping his face off with his shirt to get the blood off.

"Thanks for your help, Nico." He said in a growl. The other boy, Nico continued to laugh.

They're accent sounded strange. Nothing like the British I was use too. American, maybe?

The owner of the Emporium bowed as he apologize for the owls behavior.

"I'll take that one." The boy said, pointing to a grey and white owl who was still in it's cage, and moving. It's wide eyes glared at the boy, but did nothing as it was handed over to him.

The boy paid, and waved off the store owner's as he tried to apologize again. "Its alright."

Ginny and I watched as the two boys left the store, the boy carring the owl out as if it would also attack him.

"Thank you for your help." The owner said, as he raised his wand and the owls began to move again. Some hooted angrily as they flew off to their perchs.

"Your welcome," Ginny said generously.

I quickly picked out an owl, a large brown barn owl, and paid before existing the store.

"Those two boys," I said. "What kind of accent did they have?"

"American." Ginny said, stopping to buy and ice cream from a wizard. "I wonder what they're doing here in Diagon Ally?"

"Me too." I said, risking my hand to still some of her ice cream. She smacked my hand away, smiling. "Come on," I told her. "We still have an hour. Lets stop in for some tea."


Trident here.

Sooooooooooo super sorry for the wait. Been busy and all! But here it is!!!! Yay!

Please enjoy, and do please check out some of my other stories!
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Trident out!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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