The Psychotically Royal Reconciliation.

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I was home in bed as I had cried myself to sleep which I haven't done since my mother died. Or when I returned to an empty home after Kennedy's funeral. I woke up to hear the boys whine and whimper as I had yet to let them out and I got up and walked downstairs, to the back door, opened it and let the boys out of the house for the day.
I then slumped onto the sofa and looked at a picture of me and Ashley after we went for our first walk with Zeus and Apollo. I smiled albeit for a moment and then just started to break down.

Meanwhile, in the driveway...
A car with four women rolled up and parked. "Man this place is massive." Daria said.
"Yeah. But you'll get a tour of it later." Ashley said. She got out of the car and closed the door. I heard a car door shut and got up and walked over to the window and saw Ashley standing at the gate leading to our home. Then watched as Zeus and Apollo ran to the front yard and I saw that smile I've missed so much these last few weeks. "Hey, how are my boys?" She smiled wider as she petted Zeus and Apollo. Then I saw Becky, Daria and Amanda get out of the car and just survey our home. "Is daddy home?" Zeus yipped and Ashley opened the gate and came into the house. I had forgotten that I had given her a key. "I'll let you know if I need help. But please stay out here." She said to the others. They nodded. Ashley walked inside as Zeus and Apollo stayed outside. "Daniel, baby?" She called.
"Come back for the rest of your stuff? I asked her.
"No. I wanted to come and say that I'm so sorry for believing a video over my fiancé. I should have called you that night. But I just thought you'd be back before morning."
"You made it clear that we were in effect done, so why are you really here?"
"I missed you. I missed your arms around me. Holding me so tight that I felt safe." I didn't say anything and my face remained unchanged. "I'm sorry baby. Me and the girls except Trinity reviewed the video and I noticed a couple things."
"Such as?" I asked.
"The guy in the video doesn't have scars on his arms, you do." She noticed that my face started to soften. "But you want to know the one thing that I should have looked for but didn't." She approached me as I looked into her eyes. "He didn't have your scar. Your cheek scar." She gently touched the right side of my chin near my right cheek. And glided a finger or two along the two inch effigy or what remained of the scar. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions baby. I really am." I looked at her and just remained silent. For close to three minutes not a word was spoken.
When she started to walk away, "I missed you too, Ashley honey." She looked to me. "I've missed you so much. I miss feeling you close by, I miss how you would make me feel like a teddy bear whenever you would wrap your arms around me as I did the same to you. I miss your kisses in the morning and evening. I miss seeing that smile of yours every time when I wake up or you wake up. I've been going mad without you. I still love you honey. And I want to marry you, start a family with you. I want to live the rest of my days with you." I told her honestly as she looked at me with tear filled eyes. "I want us to be together again. I don't want to fight with you and I damn sure don't want our baby to not know who their dad is." She smiled. "Will you, Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr," I walked up to her and got on one knee. "Still marry me?" She smiled wider as tears started to fall.
"Yes." She said as she gripped my shirt and hauled me to my feet for a kiss. She cried a bit more and smiled. "I love you baby."
"I love you more." I said as we headed to the door. I opened it and she walked out looking disappointed.
"So, how did it go?" Daria asked. Ashley started to sob, Daria and Becky jumped the fence and got ready to kick my ass.
"It went." Ashley started. "It went well." She howled. Amanda smiled as she understood what Ashley was doing.
"Wait what?" Becky asked.
"It went well." Ashley said clearer smiling. "We made up. The weddings back on." Daria and Becky looked to Zeus and Apollo and noticed they were growling.
"Boys!" I shouted. They stopped as I approached Daria. "How's it going Daria?"
"Just fine." Daria smiled.
"These two are Zeus and Apollo. I got them for Ashley. Boys, say hi to Daria, Amanda and Rebecca." They approached the new people one at a time.
"Their so cute." Daria said.
"Ohh, their so adorable."  Amanda smiled.
"Yeah, if by adorable you mean complete mommas boys. Then yeah. Adorable." I laughed.
"Well you're no different you know." Ashley said.
"I say good boy and you roll over and show your belly."
"Yeah." I scratched behind my left ear and shook my right leg. "Your right." Everyone laughed as I stopped. "Well. It'll be evening soon so come on in." Zeus and Apollo led the way inside.
Once Daria, Becky and Amanda got inside. Ashley slid into my side. "You and I are due a make up session later tonight." She whispered as I grinned. "I'm just so happy to be back home in your arms baby."
"Not as much as I am." I kissed her a couple times.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah. Save some of that fire for later."
"I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I smiled as she slapped my arm smiling.
"Come on we have to give them a tour of our home."
"True." I stretched my left arm out. "After you, future Mrs. Boyce." She kissed my cheek and I playfully rolled my eyes as my right hand found my heart.
"Come on you over actor." She giggled. I followed her to the parlor and found Daria getting her faced licked by Zeus. And Amanda nuzzling her cheek with Apollo's.
"Wow. Gone for only a few minutes and they switch sides." Becky smiled along with Ashley.
"Ohh, they are so well behaved."
"Yeah, you say that now. They barely knew the significance of 'sit' until we took some time and trained them. The neighbor a mile away has volunteered to watch over them when we're on the road by the way."
"Ohh, that's sweet of him." Ashley said.
"Hmm. Actually I think it's more for something for his kids to do." I told her.
"How many does he have?"
"I think just one but my is he a spoiled little shit. If he has any other kids I pity them." I said.
"Well, our children won't be that way baby."
"Ain't that the truth." I gave Daria, Becky and Amanda a tour as Ashley laid on the sofa and cuddled with Zeus and Apollo.
"So you boys been good with your daddy?" They whined. "Ohh, you missed mommy?" Zeus panted as did Apollo. "Ohh, I missed you too my boys." She turned on the television and noticed that the background said, 'I love Ashley.' She smiled as she turned on Netflix and found that I had been watching  LUCIFER. "Same old Daniel. I love him so much." She grinned as Apollo got off the sofa so she could lay her head down. She smiled at the gesture. "Now your just trying to get browning points." She petted Apollo and Zeus yipped until she started petting him too.

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