The Wedding Of Boyce And Fliehr.

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The next morning, Ashley and I woke up at nine thirty and as she got a shower in, I got dressed and headed downstairs and cooked a small but filling breakfast for her and I. I cooked a couple sausage patties, a few slices of bacon and prepped and buttered a couple of butter milk biscuits and after everything was done. Ashley came down stairs. "Morning baby." She smiled. I looked at the stair case and saw Zeus and Apollo watching her closely behind her making sure she didn't slip and fall.
"Morning honey." I smiled as I pointed to our dogs.
"Ohh, you watching over momma. Making sure I don't have a nasty spill down the stairs." They both barked.
I giggled as I pulled an extra strip of bacon and split it. "Hey, boys." They trotted up to me. "Here you go." I fed them their respective pieces of bacon. I patted them on the head. "Now go on. Mom and dad have to eat and go to the hospital to see how the baby's doing." They wagged their tails as they headed to the backyard as I had opened the door a bit.
"Ohh, they are precious angels." Ashley said. I smiled as I slid a plate in front of her with a homemade breakfast sandwich on it. I put my plate next to hers. Then sat down after pouring orange juice in a glass for her and some milk in mine. "You know. We still haven't talked about names, or where the wedding will be held or how many people will be coming, or anything else. So when we get home after Fastlane, we really need to bunker down and get everything planned out."
"Agreed my Queen."
We ate our breakfast sandwiches and then we both headed upstairs to get changed for the day and for me to take a quick shower before leaving for the hospital in Boise. "So would you like to take a shower with me or alone?" She asked grinning.
"What do you think?" I approached her and kissed her.
"Let's go." 'We' took a quick shower and once we were finished. We got dressed and got in the car. I took one look at Ashley and smiled. "What?"
"Just admiring my , sexy, beautiful and yes for now pregnant fiancée." She blushed heavily. "And wondering how I got so lucky to have a woman like you as my future bride."
"Because you were yourself, and you still are. I promise baby that I'll try and believe you over rumor or video of you 'cheating' not like I had the last time."
"Honey." I leaned over and she leaned a bit and I kissed her cheek and lips. "If there's one thing even you can agree on about me. Is that it may take me a bit. But I do get over things." She chuckled. "Well, ready for your ultrasound?"
"Yes, let's go."

I drove us to the hospital and once we got there, we walked into the obstetrician's office and I filled out the paperwork with Ashley's help. Then once it was handed in we just waited for our name to be called.
"In a months time we'll be married, and in five months time. Our little one will be here." Ashley sighed happily.
"Can't wait for either event honey." I smiled as I slid my left hand into her right. Then slid my right hand over her stomach.
When our names were finally called, we were taken to an examination room and Ashley laid on the examination table that was right next to the ultrasound machine. "The doctor should be with you shortly." The nurse said before leaving the room. I could tell that Ashley was nervous.
"Hey," I started, "Your going to do fine honey." I smiled as I held her left hand in mine. She smiled as the doctor came in.
"Morning Mr and Mrs. Boyce." We didn't bother correcting him courtesy of the fact our wedding was a little over a month away. Ashley rolled up her Legacy T and exposed a nice baby bump. "Okay, let's see what we got here." The doctor put some gel on her stomach and the wand and rubbed it around for barely a few seconds before we all heard a heartbeat over the speaker. "You hear that?" He asked. "That's your baby's heartbeat."
"Baby." Ashley smiled as she looked at the ultrasound display and saw the same as I did. Our baby.
"Hey, you two. You may need to get another crib." He moved the wand a bit higher on Ashley's stomach and we heard another heartbeat and the screen confirmed what we were hearing was true. Two babies. "Congratulations your having twins." Ashley started to cry with tears of joy in her eyes. We had been under the assumption that we were having just one baby. But this changed things a bit. But not too much. I smiled with tears in my eyes too as I looked at Ashley. "Would you two like to know the genders?"
I looked to Ashley, who was grinning and nodding. "Yes, we would." I said.
"Okay. You will be having..." He examined the screen and eventually said, "Twin girls."
"Ohh, Daniel, baby." Ashley smiled as she slid her right hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Okay, I'd like to see you back here in at least three months. Okay?" The doctor said.
"Okay." Ashley smiled.
"I'll get you guys a reminder card and a printout of the ultrasound."
"Thank you, doc."
I snagged a couple of paper towels and handed them to Ashley and she wiped what little of the gel was left off her stomach and replaced her Legacy T back down and by then the nurse came in and helped us make our next appointment and the doctor came in with a reminder card after she left and he handed us a printout of the ultrasound of our twin girls.

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