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***Ok I'm skipping to Sunday 'cuz I don't had inspiration for Saturday***

So my family and Elijah arrived at the small church. I showed him where we would sit. "I'm supposed to do a solo but since my family wants to hear you sing, I would be happy if you joined me." I stated in kind of a question form to EJ. "sure what song?" I told him the name of an old church song. "oh yea I love that song" Elijah said. "great" I said as we interlocked fingers and sat down.

The service was going on and it was almost time to perform. I was starting to get butterflies in my stomach like I always do before I perform. Elijah noticed and calmed me down. "It's ok India, you know we got this." He said popping his collar. I laughed loudly and got shushed.


By now we had already changed and Elijah and I were still getting compliments on our duet. Especially EJ. I wasn't jealous though because I was proud of my baby boy. Elijah and I were hungry so we took my dad's car along with the crew (my cousins) and we went to McDonalds. We wanted to eat inside so we could just talk. After we ordered our food, we sat down.

"You did great Elijah." I told him. thanks bae" he said as we kissed."you too. I knew you could sing but I didn't know you could sannnggg!" Elijah said all ghetto like. i just stared at him then just busted out laughing. "I love you" I said. "love you too" he said.Then our number was called and we ate our food.

****i Know this is short and I haven't updated in weeks but i am busy with school and it might be like this in the future. but guess what?!? this past Sunday I met MB!!!I I WAS FREAKIN OUT! lol by the way, I'm not going to update until I have 1,000 reads which won't take long to be honest. we can get there! well... bye!*****

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