Just Trapped! part 2

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As the realisation washing over me I hold a small newly orphan in my hands to keep her from jumping.

I can really die. Like I can really die here. These thoughts went over and over in my head. I'm shaking but still holding her. After 27 minutes of pushing and climbing and fighting. Little Lulu runs out of hope to get free. I'm sitting there tried hugging Lulu, I think the best thing for her----us--- is that I don't speak. Though I can hear people behind us chatting about what just happen.
"What just happened?"
"What's this crowd about?"
"Was that the child's mother that jumped?"
"Did she just see a jumper?"
"Why isn't she saying anything to her?"
I tried my best ignore these questions but....
"Should of she just let the child jump?"

Then and there I started to cry I just broke I had a breakdown. Lulu must of herd me saying the question in between sobs. Because she turned around and gave me the biggest hug.
Lulu took a deep breath so she could say this clearly.
"No, you did the right thing."
She started crying and hugging me more. All I could do in that moment was sit there hugging Lulu and let Lulu have a shoulder to cry on.

After a while I hear someone or some people telling people to leave us alone. I feel someone touch my shoulder. I stand up carrying Lulu who has fallen alseep in my arms.

It's Apirl and Jarrod. Offoning the biggest reassuring smile to me.
"Lets go back to our hotel, okay?" Jarrod offend.
All I could bare to do was nod. By watching Apirl's worrying looks toward me. I figured out that she was offening that she could carrying Lulu. I shake my head in response. She nods  and holds my shoulder to help lead the way to the hotel they're in.

We arrive to their room. The first thing I do is carefully place down Lulu on the only bed there. April runs up and hugs me as soon as my hands were free. Jarrod joins the group hug.

We all sit down and stare at Lulu, a thousand of question buzzing around our heads. As the awkward silence grows by the minute. I break the silence with the first question.

"I'm guessing you guys have so many questions about what just happened, Am I right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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