Part twenty one- Hello?

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A few weeks passed and me and crawf were going strong,people were very supportive of our relationship and were happy for us. I felt like i had finally found the one I had always searched for.

After a long day at school I headed home to have a girly night with my mom,you know face masks,chocolate,netflix that kind of thing. I loved our girly nights,it was our weekly thing,when we could just chill and bond.

As I was walking down the street I heard my phone go off in my pocket,i took out my iPhone and looked at who the caller was; unknown number. That's wierd.

I answered the phone cautiously as I didn't know who I was speaking too.

"Hello?" I answered,a muffled deep voice replied with a simple hi. It was a voice I felt I knew.

"Who's this?" I asked trying to figure out who this person was with the annoyingly familiar voice.

"It's Don,is this Ella?" he asked.

Before I had chance to answer his question it hit me. This familiar voice was someone who I did not expect to hear from again. It was my dad.

"Dad?" I asked holding back my tears.

"Ella,im so glad to hear your voice."

"Well the feelings not mutual." I replied with anger in my voice.

"Look I know I messe-."

" I don't want to hear it,you cut me off,i tried calling,texting but no reply so what makes you think I'm going to give you the time of day now?" I interrupted.

"Please just let me tal-"

"Don't call back,good bye."

I hung up the phone and wiped away the tears that fell,after moths of cutting me off why would he just suddenly get back in touch? I soon found out why he contacted me,he wanted me to move back to London to live with him and his new girlfriend Michelle.

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