Part two- First day nerves

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I showered and headed back into my room to start getting ready for what is more than likely going to be a boring and lonely day,im not too good at making friends. I never really spoke to people in my old school back in London where I used to live. I only had one true friend who I was heart broken to have to leave behind called Emma.

We met because our moms were really close and it just so happened we were in the same nursery class,they decided we should be bestfriends and since that day we were the best of buddys. I miss her so much,i got this really horrible hit of fear that i might not make any friends. I started shaking but I tried to push it to the back of my mind and tell myself it will be okay.

I didn't really know what to wear because in the uk we had to wear uniforms and now we don't so I went with what I felt comfortable in. I threw on a pair of light blue denim jeans with the bottoms turned up,a white vest top and an oversized cardigan with my white converse and cute frilly ankle socks. I call it cute and comfy.

I curled my hair,did a perfume walk through and for good measures I put on some of my favourite hand lotion,a little hand lotion never hurt any one.

I sat at my desk and stirred my cereal with the spoon sat next to the bowl,it was kind of soggy but I was in too much of a bad mood to care,besides with everything I'm going through what my mom was going through must be ten times worse so I didn't want to cause a fuss. I ate my breakfast,grabbed my bag and headed down stairs.

"Ready to go?" mom asked.

I nodded,i was too tired to give a better answer. I got in the car and as we approached the school my stomach got into knots,i tried to ignore it but I felt my anxiety get worse with every second,i never told any one I had anxiety apart from my mom.

"MOM I CANT DO THIS YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME HOME." I was shaking and about to burst into tears.

"Sweetheart you'll be fine,dont talk so silly,you've just got first day nerves that's all." she smiled and rubbed the top of my hand that I was pushing into the seat trying to keep myself from freaking out. I calmed down as we pulled up on the car park.

"Try and make some friends el,you will feel better with a friend." I nodded and gave a fake smile. I was panicking inside but I didn't want to let it show. I waved to my mom,took a deep breath and headed for the front door.

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