.* CHAPTER 1 *.

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(From Biggy Cheese's Point of View)

I dragged my red suitcase up the stairs of my new apartment. It was a small, little apartment on the corner of a street in New York. I would mostly likely be staying here for about three years. I was going to college here in New York to pursue my dream of becoming a full time rapper.

I was almost at the top of the stairs. I heard some people talking talking upstairs. I rushed up, desperate to just get into my room. I was at the top. I looked at the number I had written on my hand to insure that I would know which room was mine–322. I stared to stroll down the hall, fixing my red beaming.

I got the the men talking. They looked at me and I stopped. I was lost. Maybe I could ask them where my room was.

"Hey," I spoke. "Ya know where 322 is?" I had a very deep voice and a pretty thicc accent.

"Oh, yah," the shorter man replied. "Here, I'll show you!" He had a wide smile. He grabbed my hand and basically dragged me to my room. I was thick and I never knew that someone could drag me. Also, I had just met this guy and he was already grabbing my hand like I had known him since we were kids.

We got to my room. "This is it! Right next to mine," he said gesturing up to the number on the door. His eyes squinted and he leaned closer to me. "Wait... Biggy Cheese? Is that you?"

Had someone actually heard of my music? "Sure is!"

"It's me, Hank!" His arms flew to his sides like he was T-posing. "Ya know, from middle school?" Hank. Hank... Oh yes! Hank! Me and Hank had actually been pretty good friends in middle school.

We had met when I saw him getting bullied. I had been one of the larger kids so I stood up for him. He had explained that people thought his art was bad so he got bullied often. I only remember one of his drawings-a single smiley face, like his almost. We had become friends then and I had shared some of my early music with him. He had liked it. That made me feel good about myself. Then, next semester happened... We didn't have any classes together, but I still remembered him. I had made a song for him. When I was about to show him, he ran off with a few other friends and forgot about me... I had thought we had something special... I got mad and stopped talking to Hank. He broke me heart... I still had that record though.

"Hank! Wow, it's been a while!"

He hugged me. "Sure has pal! Well, better get going! Nice talking to you!" He slid into his room, as did I.

As I unpacked my multiple red beanies, I found something...a record...the record...

(Oof! I know you definitely liked that! Not cringe worthy at all! Mhm! Anyway, I'm going to be doing five chapters in this so buckle up, kid! You're about to go on a terrible ride! ಥ⌣ಥ)

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