•Chapter Three•

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*time skip to before Izuku tried to commit suicide*

Tomura's POV
Everything was going according to plan. It did take 14 years, but hey at least it's finally happening. Izuku Midoriya has gone off the deep end and is currently going to kill himself. It took a lot of planting for the seeds to grow but now it was all worth it.

I could hear myself snicker despite my wishes, it was just too hilarious. Izuku Midoriya, one of the best people on the planet, has been broken and shattered. He has been ripped down again and again, he tried to hold for as long is possible, and now he's trying to kill himself.

I watched with Kurogiri as the green haired boy turned to face the world, and jumped.

"Kurogiri! Now!" Izuku was diving head first to the ground, but before he could taste the sweet release of death, we stoped him. I large purple mist swirled around Izuku, covering him until he disappeared.

"Good work Kurogiri. Now why don't we go say hello to the new recruit?" I was very exited along with all the other villains, we couldn't wait to see our little Izuku again.

*Okay just to tell you Dabi and Toga are both a part of the league because I just love having them around*

I could see Kurogiri yellow eyes curve upwards, he was smiling. A dark purple portal appeared, I stepped in expecting to see everyone surrounding Izuku but I was very wrong. When we walk in I saw two things, both very strange. One, Izuku was no where to be found and two, Dabi and Toga were no where to be found.

"I thought you said you teleported Izuku right here." I said to Kurogiri, trying my best not to sound concerned.

"Well...." The foggy villain began.

"'Well' WHAT?!" I was really starting to get pissed. He stared at me for a moment, unfazed by me yelling, and tried to think of how to phrase possibly the worst news ever.

"We did leave the young boy here with Toga and Dabi." I processed this and retorted

"Only for a few seconds!" Wait....

"Jesus! What have we done?! We left him here for one then one second with the biggest ass and psycho one the planet!" Crap.

"Okay search the place, pay attention for screams and pleads for mercy!" I said speed walking away from Kurogiri. I searched in Dabi's room, nothing.

"Aggghhh!" I heard a scream from the next hallway, Toga's room. More screams could be heard as I ran, some from Dabi, some from Toga, and some from Izuku. I disintegrated the door and was utterly horrified in what I saw.

Dabi was was trying to burn Toga, as she was trying to stab Izuku, and the broccoli boy was sitting petrified.

"Will you two idiots knock it off!" I yelled, receiving the attention of the three.

"~You didn't tell us he'd be back.~" Toga said in a child like voice, minus the innocence.

"Yeah! What the hell!" I looked at the scarred male and smirked.

"Cause that would have ruined the surprise dumba-"

"What is going on?!" We all turned from our conversation to face the 14 years old cowering in fear. His face held a panicked expression, but his eyes looked completely dull and lifeless.

My lips pursed and my eyes contorted upwards. For as creepy as it looked, I did try to make my smile seem genuine.

"Dabi. Toga. Leave. Now." I said facing the two villains.

"No way 'Hand Freak'."

"~Yeah we want to talk to little Izuku too!~" Why do they have to be so annoying?

"It wasn't a question. Now leave." I demanded, this time a little more powerful. In total unison the two said "~No.", even Dabi had the same tone as Toga. I looked back at Izuku, he's shaking.

"Come on kid, we'll explain everything." I said and stared at the boy awaiting an answer. He looked at me, then Toga and Dabi, then the door, and finally back to me. He stood up and slowly walked towards me , a faint smile could be seen of his face.

No, wait. Something feels off. What is he doing? Is he-. My thoughts were cut off by the small boy shoving me into the two idiots and taking off.

"Dammit! Kurogiri!" Dabi yelled as Izuku ran out the door, away from view. When we got back to our feet I ran, he can not leave yet!

I stopped in the bar area hoping to see Izuku, but instead was left in awe.

"Master." I said while going on the floor to bow.

"Hello Shigaraki. No, no, you don't have to bow." He turned to revel the afraid child.

Dabi, Toga, and Kurogiri walked into the room and finally all the members could now greet the newcomer. All for One decided to speak first.

"Hello young Izuku Midoriya. We have all been waiting for your arrival. We know that you are scared but you must trust us. Okay?"

The boy gave a slight nod and was released from Master's grip, he was still shaking. I knelt down to the floor so I could make eye contact with him.

"Listen kid, you've had a hard life right. We all have too..." I gestured to the rest of the league and they each gave a nod to my statement.

"You've been bullied, tormented, looked down on, blamed, everything. The world decided it hated you.You tried to keep fighting, and good on you but....Eventually you have to give it up. You're here now and you never have to go back, because we're here. We know all about you and we don't care about your power, you can be safe here with us."

I stared once more at the eyes of the child and for a mere second they shined as bright as before.

"Now come young Izuku, together we all can make the world a better place for the weak and the broken." All for One said while reaching a hand towards Izuku. The boy was hesitant at first, eventually he did grab the offered hand.

"What now?" The new recruit asked, very blunt I see. The room was silent, most of us truly didn't know what to do, until Master spoke again.

"Now....We'll how about right now we start your quirk training."

Hello! Sorry for the late update! I've been pretty busy....also I'm kinda stuck. I have most the story planned out except for the ships. Soooo why not have you guys choose the ships. All you have to do is tell me in the comments what ship you want. (I'll put it in even if it doesn't affect the characters much)

It can be literally any ship, except for teacher X student, you may think I'm joking but I've seen the AllmightXMidoriya fan art! Don't be afraid if it's boy x boy or girl x girl, I'll take anything!

Also art isn't mine!

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