Chapter 3 - Suffering

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" Your hyung is fine...."- Doc

" Oh thank God!"- RM

" Thanks doc!"- Jimin

" You can visit your hyung at room 103"-Doc

"Thanks doc!"- Suga

* in the room*

Jimin was the first one who entered the door.

" Hyung?!"- Jimin

"Are you awake?"- RM

No answer

" Hyung, just give him some time.."- Jimin

" Hyungie?"- JK

Still no answer

" Let him rest first, just wait until he wakes up..."-Jimin

- Time skip 10 mins.-

Jin's eyes started to open. He adjusted his eyes because of the light above him.

" Hyung!"-V hugs him

" Hey slow down!"- Jimin

" G-Guys..."- Jin

" Hyung what happened? We didn't knew you were left in there alone... We're sorry"-Jhope

" I just... I ..."- Jin

" What hyung?"- JK

" Uh... Just give me some time to open up I'm not yet ready.."- Jin

" Ok Hyung..."- JK

- Tomorrow-

" Hyung time for breakfast!"- V

" I will help you to sit ok?.."- Jimin

" Thanks..." - Jin

- After eating -

" Hyung, can you tell us now?" - Suga

" Hyung please... We will listen.."- V

" Guys chill... Jin hyung needs to rest.."- RM

" Guys, I can't....*lies down*"- Jin

" Ok we understand...."- Suga,V

" Guys, don't worry I will open up... But not now..."-Jin

" But make sure you will tell us..."- RM

- Time skip 5 mins. -

" How are you?"- Doc

" Uh.. I'm fine..."- Jin

" Can I talk to someone who is a...."- Doc

" Oh... This way doc.. Excuse us guys..,"- RM

" Yeah go ahead...-JK

* The conversation *

" What's wrong doc?"- RM

" Umm... It's just.. Because your hyung suffers depression, that's why he experiences panic attacks..."- Doc

" What?! He didn't told us anything about it!"- RM

" You know just stay beside him,always.... He really needs your help because he just kept everything by himself I'm a psychologist too but I just ended up being a doctor."- Doc

" Thanks doc.."- RM

When RM went back to the room they all are asleep.. He's scared to wake them up so he just slept beside Jin but he didn't lie down he just sat in there and get a chair..
Jin was the first one who woke up. He doesn't want to wake anyone up so he just stared at the ceiling who is facing him too.. After some seconds, his nightmare came flashing back again.. He tried to close his eyes but it didn't work.. He tried to be silent so no one can hear him...

" Stop!"-Jin * whispers*

He tried to close his eyes again and sing their song butterfly.

" Don't think of anything" -  he sang, and suddenly it worked...

- Time skip 1 hour-

It's was already 11 pm, Jin had another nightmare, voices coming out from his ears..
His nightmare was about the upcoming comeback and then he just messed up the choreography, the bashers shouted " stop".. He was surprised because the bashers were there watching them..When he woke up he was really exhausted...
His voice vibrated  in the room

" Hyung are you alright?"- RM

Another nightmare crashed on his mind again. He's crying out loud.

" Please stop!!!!"- Jin

" Hyung calm down.. What is it?"- JK

" Hyung!"- Jimin

" I just dreamt of the bashers.... Shouting at me.. They said they don't need anyone like me..."- Jin

Jimin hugged Jin tightly.

" Shhh Hyung... It's alright.."- Jimin

"They're right!... They don't need me or even you guys.... I'm useless..."- Jin
" No hyung"- Suga

" You're not useless remember that, we need you, our fans need you.."- RM

" You need to rest now, just tell us if you had a nightmare again..."- V

" Thanks..."- Jin closed his eyes

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