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"At the age of 15, I started facing severe depression. It was extreme to a point where I could hardly be able to grasp any reason worth living for. There were many things going in my mind, continuously and yet I remained quiet. I wanted to say it out, scream it out but I was quiet. Many tried to ask me what was going on with me. My mom and my friends but I couldn't make out the words. So, a friend of mine gifted me a dairy. Never did I ever knew how much that'll help me. I started writing, everything out and it helped. Writing down my story into forms of paragraphs, random of notes and poems. I'm doing very well now and I'm able to get it all out rather than keep inside. I'm grateful for that friend and for this diary. I even wrote a list of things I like about my life. A list of things which make me happy. A list of things worth living for. "

~ Annonymous



Thank you so much for this first ever contribution. I appreciate you speaking out or mainly writing out your story and sharing it with us. I relate to this and I'll be very open about it. Writing these small list can be helpful and has helped me too. Thank you. Please everyone else feel free to share your story or support in comments for this amazing person.

Be kind and be generous and know you're beautiful and you're appreciated and your existence is appreciated. Every story is worth being told.

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