[14] Drake

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I dived into the water, Zahra squeaking when as the cold water hit her. The shock of the water wrenched any sleepiness from my system, my senses on full alert underneath the icy surface. I surfaced, gasping for air. Zahra was holding herself afloat, smiling at me, the gesture sending warmth into my heart. Truth be told, I think I really do like Zahra. I think this isn't about the throne anymore. I think.

"Hi." She said, circling me like a shark, her feet and arms lightly kicking the water in the most bizarre swimming pattern I have ever seen. It sort of looked like she was showing off.

"Hi." I replied back, swimming towards her.

She grinned, wrapping her legs around my waist, her arms wrapping around my neck. My hands supported her back. She rested her forehead against mine, her eyes hooded, their blue's twinkling.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I can take you into town, to meet some of my friends?"

Zahra nodded, pecking my lips. "It'd be good to get out of here. I've been here for two days, and I feel like a caged raven."

I let out a chuckle, capturing her lips with mine yet again. A gasp made Zahra practically throw herself off of me. Had a maid walked in on us? I looked up, and froze.

Yahiro. His black hair was rumpled up, as if he'd been whacked with a bush, his lashes narrowed against his blue eyes. His jaw was set hard, his fists trembling.

"Yahiro!" Zahra gasped, looking flustered. "I, um...We weren't-"

"Save it, I'm not ignorant. I can see that ring. If you were already engaged, why play around with me!" Yahiro growled loudly. His fists were shaking, as if they longed to hit Zahra, or me. Possibly both.

"Yahiro, please, let me explain-" I cut Zahra off at the deadly look on Yahiro's face. It was a cold blooded gaze.

"Don't even bother, Zahra. He won't listen." I interrupted. "And he isn't good enough for you."

With a roar of anger, Yahiro's hand grabbed me out of the water with inhuman strength, causing me to stumble on the dry cement. I didn't even get the chance to look up, before his fist connected with my face. A hard shock of resistance from my bones left my nerves stinging, but not protected against the next punch. I looked up, throwing my own punch at Yahiro. It hit his right cheekbone, a grunt slipping from my mouth because of the sheer force.

I wasn't going to just get beat up like usual. No, it wouldn't be like before with the other noble boys. This time I had a reason to fight back: Zahra. Her gasp was drowned out by the feeling of adrenaline that surged through me. I was placing my next punch, gauging in which area where I was going to hit, when Zahra shoved herself out of the water. She placed one hand firmly against my chest and another one on Yahiro's, spreading a distance between us. If I wasn't so pissed off at Yahiro, I would've grinned at the fact that she was touching me. 

"Stop it. Now." she growled, her voice all but rage.

My hands were balled into fists at my sides but I didn't move. Yahiro glared, but didn't make a move, instead, oddly curling his hands over Zahra's as if he could protect her from me. A new rage swept over me like a wave, but Zahra's icy stare made me fight it down. At that moment my father chose to walk in.

"Yahiro..." he started, but stopped when he saw us. His mouth curled up into a  ghastly half smile.

"They get into a fight?" he asked, his question directed towards Zahra. She nodded quickly, looking away from everyone, and dropping her hands, to her sides. I shivered at the absence of her warmth.

"Well, I need to talk to you Zahra. And Yahiro too." His voice left no room for argument.

Zahra stepped out from in between us and stalked off towards my father, her eyes glaring at the ground. Yahiro shrugged dramatically and followed her, trying to slip his arm around her waist. She pushed him away, and nearly growled at him. I suddenly felt the urge to protect her from Yahiro. My father spoke again.

"I need to talk to you Drake." he said to me before turning around and saying to Zahra and Yahiro, "Go to my office. I'll meet you there. Yahiro knows where it is."

They walked away leaving me alone with my father.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, my patience wearing thin.

"I know what you were doing before Yahiro walked in on you." My father gave me a disappointed look, like being in love with Zahra was a bad thing. I knew he knew that Zahra and I kissed, his tone of voice gave it away.

"Who cares! She's going to my betrothed anyway, what does it matter!"

"Why was she wearing your mother's ring?" this question was said partly in anger, but at what I didn't know.

"Mother gave it to me for my betrothed." I answered back, unsure what the meaning of his question was. He stared into my eyes as if he could detect if I was lying or not before changing the subject.

"You will have to kill her. I don't care how much you say you love her, but you will kill her." I glared at him, but didn't answer. 

"And that's an order, Drake Rowan, whether you like it or not."

I frowned at him and he gestured for me to follow him. I trudged along slowly, walking behind him, trying to stall time. Not long passed, before I was staring at the mahogany doors of my fathe

We reached the office quicker than I thought, and my father swung open the door, gesturing for me to go in. I sighed and walked through the open doorway. The first thing I saw on the desk was Yahiro and Zahra, their legs intertwined, their mouths pushed together in a kiss.

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