She stole my heart

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Eyeless Jack Pov

There was this new girl who is in my class whom I really can't resist. Since she came in I'm feeling like I have butterflies in my stomach. I didn't feel this with anyone before. After analysing it, I figured I'm in love with her.

During the training I can't stop but to look at her. Her techniques were so smooth, she has the speed, she has great senses and she moves gracefully.

When it's time to fight other pair I never want to let her down. So I became rough with my actions towards other pair. She must have not noticed my actions. So we won the game, I was about to approach her when she run away to the classroom to grab her stuff. I ran after her but got blocked when Lily, Jane and Ben stopped me.

Me: Hey what the fuck?!
I yelled at them, I looked at Jane's side seeing Jeff vanish.

Jane: Jack? What's wrong?

Me: It was nothing

Lily: Jack we're going to town remember?

Lily said in a cute tone.

Me: Uhhhh... yeah right.... I just need to get my bag

I said and about to walk when Ben threw something towards me and got me on the head.

Me: Hey wha-!

I looked at it and it's my bag

Ben: let's go!

Lily then grabbed my hand and I got dragged towards town to meet other pastas.

When we arrived at a small lonely building at the side of the town. We entered and saw Clockwork, Toby, LJ, Jill, Nina and Bloody Painter (that's all I know hehe....)

We sat on a couch and waited for our leader to come. Just then Slemderman appeared and we started for our new mission.

Next day

I woke up and glance at my clock. It showed 6:45 am

Me: Fuck!

I shot up off my bed and hurriedly slipped on my clothes, grabbed my bag and ran to school.

I arrived at school and saw Ben and Jane talking together. I got mad at Ben for not waking me up so I stomped towards him and yelled

Me: Ben you idiot why the fuck didnt you wake me up?!

Ben: I tried but you didnt wake up sleepyhead!

I just growled at him then calmed down. I let out a deep breathe. I looked to my side to see Jenniffer and Angel sitting on one of the benches talking about something. I then found myself staring at Jenniffer, looking at her attractive features. Her long charcoal black hair is silky, her snow white skin is so smooth, her blue sapphire eyes are  dazzling and her red juicy lips looks so soft matching the slit on her cheeks. I stared at her for like forever until Ben yelled my name

Ben: Jack!!!

I turned around

Me: W-what?!

Ben: Are you even listening?!

Me: uhhh...

Ben face palmed himself and sighed.

Ben: Nvm....

I rolled my eyes then entered the school. I entered my first room and sat on a chair where I can see Jenniffer. She's so irresistible. I then realised.... I'm in love

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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