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Name: "Brandon's the name! Coordinating's my game!"
Age: "I'm 10!"
Looks: "I'm right here silly!"

Name: "Brandon's the name! Coordinating's my game!"Age: "I'm 10!"Looks: "I'm right here silly!"

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Home region: "I live in Alola but my cousin lives in Sinnoh"

Family: "I have a cousin named Barry he and Empoleon are amazing!"


Vulpix (Alola)
Marowak (Alola)

Name: "My Name Is Katie!"
Age: "I'm 9!"
Looks: "I'm Here!"

Home Region: "I'm From Univa,I want to be a Pokemon photographer"

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Home Region: "I'm From Univa,I want to be a Pokemon photographer"

Family: "Three Brothers named Chili,Cilen,and Cress who are all gym leader's!"



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