I'm aware Paldea (or at least the Starter Pokemon) has appeared in the Anime but I haven't watched any of that yet.
I've seen a full playthrough of Violet and some of Scarlet so I know of the Characters, some of the Pokemon.
If we wanna do a Free RP, Both games as well as their Paradox Pokemon will be combined in the same world. So both Past and Future Pokemon lie in Area Zero, both Miridon and Koridon exist together as well as Sada and Turo both being Arven's parents.
Name: Caleb "Kit" Walker Nicknames:
Kit (Preferred Name) Little Buddy (Arven) Little Explorer, Jirachi Kid (Nemona) Kitty (Penny, Nemona, Arven, (Your OC)?) Master Kit (Director Clarvell) Young Kit (All Teachers)
Age: 12 Occupation: Trainer, Student, Their Parents are Explorers/Travelers and they hope to do that one day on their own Likes: Pokemon, Music, Exploring, Art Dislikes: Heights, Dragon Types, Big Bodies of Water Family: Mom, Dad, Little Brother Parker, Older Sister Maya Appearance: (Star Clip is from Little Brother who simply loves Jirachi)
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Charcadet (Charcadet has been by their side since they were born. It will evolve into Ceruledge during the RP)
Iron Bundle (They notice since they've moved back to Paldea it's been following them, when the group goes to Area Zero (If we're following the game or if that's where we go during RP) it attacks and they manage to catch it)
Cyndaquil (When their family moved, they moved to Johto and was able to pick it for their Starter. Evolves to Quilava later on)
Ralts (To Kirlia and Gardnivor later on)
Miridon/Koridon (Depending on who your OC has (If they have one of them))
He/They Pronouns
They're rather short for their age so they looked younger than they actually were
Their Sister is the same age as Arven so She's always been good friends with him. As well as when their parents went on their explorations on their own, they left their kids with Sada and Turo as they grew up so even Kit and Arven got along really well.
Was picked on a lot when they were younger, but Maya and Arven were always there to help him out
They love Drawing Pokemon. Every Pokemon that they see that is new to them, they draw.
Before they moved, They and their sister attended the School and were very close with many of the students and teachers.
Maya caught a duo of Ralts and gave one to Kit because they've always wanted to see one up close and befriend one.
They simply adored The Home Ec, Art, and Language classes. Was very happy to come back to Paldea and rejoin the classes since they enjoyed the teachers back at the Academy
They have a Fear of Dragon Type Pokemon (Bigger ones Mainly)
"*Gasp* Look at it! It's like a Delibird, but it's just a little Bundle of Iron! *Giggles*"
"Ew! Miridon/Koridon stop! *Laughing* That tickles!"
"I'm... Quite afraid of Dragon Types... But Miridon/Koridon has been treating me as if I was a Pokemon, it's giving me time to adjust to it"
"Team Star is mean... But I remember most of them from when I was younger, they aren't bad people!"
"Why'd the Titan have to be in the middle of a Lake? I hate water..."
"I don't want to jump down there... I-I know Miridon and Koridon can Glide us down safely... B-but..."
"That's the thing about the Treasure Hunt... Since I started attending the academy, I just didn't know what my Treasure was... But I think I found it now"
"Director's Office? *Smiles Sheepishly* Uh oh Charcadet, what did we do?"
"Now! Shine brightly like the Beautiful Flame you are Charcadet! Terastalize!"