C.C.'s Dream

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C.C.: ... ... ... ...

C.C.: ... Where am I...?

???: Hello little one.

C.C.: --!!!

???: Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.

C.C.: ... ... Just, who are you?

???: You may call me, The Emissary of Truth.

The Emissary: The Emissary, for short.

C.C.: Okaaaay.

C.C.: So, where am I? Do you, uhhh, more rather... did you like, call me here, or... something...?

The Emissary: No, I didn't call you here. You came of your own volition.

The Emissary: I guess you could say you're not a

The Emissary: Settled Sleeper.

C.C.: ... Huh.

C.C.: So, why did I come here...?

The Emissary: Presumably the same reason that you come every night.

C.C.: ...?

The Emissary: For answers.

C.C.: Do I... get my answers?

The Emissary: Yes, every time.

C.C.: And the answers I get are...?

The Emissary: They are the answers to the questions about why you are

The Emissary: Connected

The Emissary: to me, the other gods, and to other

The Emissary: Manifests.

C.C.: ... Manifests...?

The Emissary: =)

C.C.: Alright, I'll bite. What's a Manifest?

The Emissary: A Manifest is a scion of power for a spirit of the Court or the Garden.

C.C.: I thought that Gods and Goddesses could like, you know... take on a material form or something.

The Emissary: Yes. There is a difference between a spirit assuming a material form and a Manifest though.

The Emissary: A Manifest is a creature--human in your case--that is born to represent that spirit in the world.

The Emissary: That person inherits that spirit's powers and abilities to an extent. They are meant to live out our lives, or how we would live if we were them.

C.C.: So, I'm... you?

The Emissary: No, no. It always takes so long to explain. A Manifest gains our awesome abilities and strenghtens our presense in the world, but they also gain our old feuds and problems as well.

C.C.: That means... I'm a beacon for you?

The Emissary: OF me, my dear, of me.

The Emissary: We are always apparent in the world, but a Manifest is a physical representation of us. This is why you sometimes have mixed emotions about a certain person, place, or thing.

C.C.: Wait. That contradicts your former statement about NOT being the same person.

C.C.: Which is it?

The Emissary: I wish I could say that it's as

The Emissary: Black And White

The Emissary: as you always make it out to be...

C.C.'s DreamWhere stories live. Discover now