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Sansa woke to Arya shaking her softly. She looked up and saw Bronn waiting to help her onto her horse.
"Arya who are you riding with today then?" Aleyah asks. Sansa watches as her older sister tucks a new shirt of Jamie's into her trousers. Disgust travels through her thoughts but she knew she must at least pretend to like the Kingslayer.
"Oh Urm... Sansa?" Arya asks and Sansa nods smoothing out her dress. She felt a bit silly being the only girl in one but she would refuse to dress less than a lady. Jamie helped Arya up in front of Sansa and nodded to both the young girls. He could sense a tension from Arya but ignored it in hopes of winning her over. The hound kicked first riding off quickly in direction of the wall.

It had been almost a week and finally they came upon the wall. Snow swirled around them in unique beautiful patterns and Aleyah pulled her Lannister cloak around her tighter. The gate opened and Aleyah dismounted her horse leading it into the passage. Everyone followed suit and soon they were at Castle Black. Jon greeted the strangers at his castle as he would anyone else. With a sword. Suddenly he noticed the dark hair and the blue eyes of his younger sister.
"What are you-?" He gets out before all three girls tackle him to the ground for a group hug. Tears flooded from their eyes and Jon sighed with relief. He sat up and counted all three of his sisters in his arms.
"Wow, this is mad!" He smiles kissing them all on the head one by one. He couldn't believe they were all here in his arms. Slowly they all rose and he noticed what cloaked the two elder sisters were wearing. He then clocked onto the Hound, the Kingslayer and a random man he'd never met before.
"Lannister cloaks? What the hell is going on?" He asks and Aleyah grips her brothers arm tightly.
"Jamie and Bronn, they took me and Sansa out of Kingslanding so she wouldn't have to marry Tyrion! And we found Arya on our way!" She gasps and slowly he catches on.
"You'll catch your deaths out here come get some food," He murmurs and they all follow.

Sitting around a table Aleyah and Jamie smile watching Arya and Jon battle with their swords. Jamie smiles watching Aleyahs smile grow with her family. She was so happy up here, happier in the snow with her Starks than in the warmth with the lions.
"No armour anymore Kingslayer?" Jon asks as they sit down to have a drink. Sansa watches intently wondering if Jon would help her.
"I'm no longer a knight, my Lord, I must marry and return to Casterly Rock," He explains and Jon's eyes widened as he saw that Aleyah was holding his hand.
"Oh you've got to be joking?" Jon asks and Sansa smirks.
"It's true Jon, our sister here is leaving us to travel back south," She pipes up innocently. Jamie's eyes narrowed at the girl as he realised what she was doing.
"A Lannister? Not just a Lannister but the Kingslayer? Aleyah have you lost your mind?" He snaps and Jamie looks down.
"Don't! Don't act like you know what it's been like down there! I've been tortured with our parents death, held captive and forced to look into the eyes of my father while his head was on a stick! You've done what Jon? Sat up here in your castle watching for fucking wildlings? How brave! How hard! How courageous! I won't let you sit there and berate the only person who has actually cared for me the whole time I've been away from Winterfell!" She snaps and Jamie squeezes her hand in a silent thanks. He hadn't expected her to defend him like that and he could see it had hurt her to shout at her family.
"You all judge in the wrong place family. I begin my ride back tonight thank you," She finishes calmly standing and turning to leave.
"Sounds as if you love him! Is that the case Aleyah? Do you love the Kingslayer?" Sansa snaps.
Jamie stares as she leaves into the cold and Arya stands.
"She's right, he has been nothing but kind for this whole journey up here and even gave me his gloves and brought me a new cloak as I didn't have one. Nothing he has done can be undone but his actions show he truly cares for our sister and for us!" She snaps leaving after Aleyah. Jamie sat and Jon nodded before leaving with Sansa. Bronn and the hound stayed with him as they drank.

Arya watched as Aleyah packed her horse up and gathered Jon's famous Stark cloak from his chambers.
"Aleyah?" She asks and the young woman turns to her girl sister. Aryas face had aged beyond her and kind had followed with it.
"I'm going to return to Winterfell, get it back with help of the Northern lords and then you and Sansa will both be able to live there safely without fear okay?" She asks and Arya nods and sighs.
"You want me to not say a word to anyone then?" She asks and Aleyah smiles at her sisters wisdom.
"Of course my little fighter, be careful up Arya I'll leave tonight," She smiles and Arya nods and kisses her sisters cheek before going back inside.

Aleyah silently slipped away into the darkness from Castle Black. It would take a day or two to reach Winterfell and massive amount of luck and courage to win it back. Jamie's sword rested at her hip and Jon's cloak around her shoulders. She would return home with a bang.

Jamie searches his room frantically. Without a sword he couldn't fight, and without fighting he couldn't protect Aleyah on their journey back to Kingslanding today. He stormed out of his room to see Sansa and Jon talking quietly. Jon looks up and anger flushes his face.
"Where is she?" He snaps and Jamie raises an eyebrow.
"Who?" He asks not trying to argue with anyone. He just wanted to retire to a normal life in Casterly Rock with Aleyah.
"Your future wife! She hasn't been seen and her horse and my cloak are missing so where is she?" He demands and Jamie shrugs.
"I haven't seen her either but my sword has gone walkies," Jamie answers and Arya appears.
"She left during the night, you'll never catch her! She's headed to Winterfell to take it back," Arya explains and everyone freezes staring at the young girl. She stares back and Jon covers his face with his hand before shaking his head.
"I can't leave my post I took an oath, which I intend to keep," He remarks looking at Jamie.
"Fine, keep the girls here and I'll take Bronn and Sandor with me to Winterfell," Jamie snaps back beginning to lose his temper with this families hatred. Jon nods and sighs.
"There are sword in armoury take one and there are rations in the kitchen for at least a days journey," Jon nods reaching for Jamie's hand. Jamie takes it with a quick firm shake and leaves to go and find the stupidly brave young Stark girl.

"With all due respect Kingslayer I don't understand why I'm here still," Bronn smirks knowing he was only doing this because of the Stark girls kindness to him.
"Because you're helping save an innocent young girl from Theon Greyjoy," Jamie answers and Bronn nods with a smirk.
"Well it can't have been long since she passed through here. Her tracks are still fresh in the snow, about half a day maybe," Sandor suggests and Jamie nods a little hope inside him.

Aleyah rode hard and quickly as she saw Winterfell in the distance. Her horse pulled up and she stared at the hills behind and noticed she was behind followed. Hurriedly she kicked the horse into gear and rode harder and faster towards Winterfell. She just wanted her home back and she would find it.

Finally Aleyah was at the gates of Winterfell. She stared up at her home and confidently gripped Jamie's sword.
"The Princess of the North is home Theon!" She yells gaining attention. Theon opened the gate and drew his sword confidently.
"Come and get it then!" He laughs.

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