Painful Truths

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Jamie watched as Aleyah dipped her toes in the ocean at Casterly Rock. The sea was icy blue and Aleyah sighed as the waves rolled over her bare feet and ankles. Jamie smiled as he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"This is not the life I ever thought I would have," He whispers and she smiles listening to the giggles. The pair turned and watched their three chubby toddlers playing on a sheet in the sand. Aleyah stared at the blonde haired blue eyed daughter she had adopted.

Cersie kissed her child goodbye and Aleyah crouched next her.
"I promise that your daughter will grow up loved and cherished, and she will know how much her real mother loved her!" She whispers and Cersie nods once in acceptance. Aleyah took the child and walked away from the scene that followed.
"Dracarys!" She heard and the baby cried as Cersie was turned into ash. She stared at the child and looked up at Jon. He shook his head and she sighed.
"Jon if there's one thing I can promise, it's that I will be a mother to this child,more than mine was too you!" She promised and he nods once as she takes the child to her other children.

Jamie watched as Aleyah smiled at her children. She had even fed Cersies child from her breast. He watched as she slowly walked to the small children and they all grinned as she came closer.
"Maaa!" Roared the auburn haired girl and Aleyah smiled taking her into her arms.
"Hello Cat!" She laughed and Jamie followed her. He caught the little boy before he escaped the sheet and Aleyah laughed.
"Theo the great escape artist!" She bellows in a deep voice and Jamie laughs with her. They both looked down at the little girl and she stared up at them both with a smile.
"And the ever so beautiful Cersie!" Aleyah whispered pulling her second daughter into the family cuddle. Jamie smiled at his wife as the waves crashed against the shore. She stared at the horizon wondering whether Arya would be back yet. What was west of Westeros?
"Aleyah?" Jamie asked and she looked down and smiled at the man she loved. She kissed her daughters head and sighed deeply. One day she would have to tell Cersie the truth. Would her siblings treat her differently? Did the country see her differently? She looked at Cersies child, the result of her husbands affair and realised why her mother pushed Jon away. The heartache of knowing Jamie cheated on her and having to see that everyday was painful. But the idea of not having her little hands to hold onto and her little feet to kiss was terrifying. Jamie pushed a slight hair away from Aleyahs face. She stared at his wrinkles beginning to form and his blonde locks growing lighter.
"You're getting old Kingslayer!" She mentions and he laughs and lifts his son up into the air.
"Yes but so are you!" He laughs and she rolls over and smiles at him while watching their daughters play.
"This is the life my mother always wanted for me but never thought she would get!" Aleyah mentions and Jamie leans in and kisses her shoulder softly. He stared at Aleyah and smiled wondering how he could get so lucky....

Bran let go of Aleyahs hand and she looked up and laughed.
"How did you do that?" She asks and he shrugs lying in his bed. He was a cripple since falling from the tower. Aleyah entertained him with all sorts of stories. Their father had just left for Kingslanding.
"Is that the fate of us all?" She asks and he shrugs with a laugh.
"Who knows? Maybe now you've seen it somethings will change!" Bean shrugs and she laughs and nods.
"Can you imagine mother's face if I married the Kingslayer?" She asked with a giggle. Bran smiled at his big sister who had stayed by his side. He sighed and realised that she was constantly changing and her future would as well. There was no way he could keep it the same. Maybe she would marry the Kingslayer maybe she would become queen.

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