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Ichika smiled when she thought of something excited to do but her plan was ruined as a certain someone walked in.

By the time the person had walked in, she had already removed the veil of her and was comfortably sitting on the bed because she did not expect him to come this early.

What happened was that Ichika was getting annoyed of seeing every red because the veil was red. She took it off as she was thinking of what to do to get rid of the boredom. After a while, her legs started hurting, so, she changed her position to fully sitting on the bed and putting her legs in a crisscross position.

She finally got comfortable as she thought of a way to get rid of other boredom.

For his majesty, it was different. 2nd prince, Adachi Reo, told his majesty to go to his new wife because she would be waiting for him. Note: This is what the 2nd prince thought, not his majesty.

His majesty nodded and went to his new wife's room. When he reached her room, he saw Aina, Ichika's servant, outside her room. He told her to get the baton, which was used to remove the veil from the bride.

Aina nodded and went as his majesty opened the door and went inside and now, we are back from where we started.

Both of them were in gazing at each other awkwardly. It felt like the time had frozen.

Blush creeped up on both of their faces. At the same time, Aina walked in with the baton. When she saw Ichika, she gasped loudly.

"Miss!" She gasped loudly as she looked at his majesty and Ichika back and forth.

His majesty, as on instincts, he turned around quickly and exist the room.

Aina quickly shut the door and said, "Your highness, what in the world were you thinking? I told you not to do this."

"Why are you yelling at me for? I was bored okay." Ichika looked down as she felt embarrassed.

Aina sighed and said, "I'm sorry, your highness. Please forgive me. But let's get you back to how you were suppose to be."

Aina put the veil back on Ichika's head and helped her wear her shoes again.

She left the room after giving her strict instructions on what not to do in front of him.

She bowed to his majesty and told him to go inside.

He was shocked at the sight of her. She looked beyond beautiful. He didn't know what he did to deserve someone as beautiful and nice as her.

He shook the thoughts out of him and went closer to her.

Instead of using the baton, he used his hands to lift the veil of her face.

She was shocked at what he did. He, his majesty, ignored the traditions and lifted the veil of her head by using his hands.

"Your majesty, you are not suppose to use your hands." Ichika said as she looked deeply into his majesty's eyes.

He ignored her claim and put his hand on her waist and the other on her back making her come forward to him.

"Y-Your majesty..." She was left hanging on her words as she suppressed the new words that left his majesty's mouth.

"I love you."

As soon as he said that, he pulled her closer and smashed his lips on her. He closed his eyes, devouring her lips. Her lips were soft like his. They were like made for each other.

After a few seconds, Ichika kissed back fully aware of what she was doing.

They parted after some seconds and both of them were looking like tomatoes.

"You know the day you looked at me, I felt something. I had the chance to kill you but I didn't. You know why?"

He looked into her eyes before continuing, "I felt like I couldn't have you away from me. I gave out special instructions to have people look after you secretly. I wanted the best for you. I didn't realize that I had fallen in love with you. I only realized the day I heard the imperial decree."

"When you weren't in the palace, I felt like my soul had left my body. I was always bored and the food the other servants cooked for me didn't taste good either. That's when I realized that I was craving for you. That I needed you in my life. That you are my life. That I can't live without you. And that I had fallen in love with you unknowingly."

Ichika was just shocked and didn't knew what to say. She knew that she liked him too but didn't knew how to say it in words.

So, she did what her instincts told her to do. She hugged him.

"Your majesty, I feel the same. I love you too." She whispered.

His majesty hugged her back tightly. Ichika broke the hug and connected her lips with his majesty's.

They shared a love filled moment. It was like the best thing in the world for them.

They both realized that they had met their soul mates. Someone that not a lot of people meet.

But in their mind, they were sure that everyone has a happy ending and that everyone finds their soul mates once.

That might not be true for everyone but it is for them.
Hello my lovely readers. I am back with another chapter and the last chapter. Yes, this is the ending.
I would have ended it a little different but this seemed suitable. I am also not going to be doing any sequels for thus book cuz I don't think this book can be continued.
That is all. Have a lovely day everyone.

Will You Ever Love Me Back?//Pentagon Yuto FF✔Where stories live. Discover now