Chapter Five

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Towers. That's what I laid my eyes on, towers upon towers of glistening riches. My eyes grew wider still at the jewels that greeted me as I stepped inside the cavern holding more money than I could ever hope to count. I heard a slight chuckle behind me and whipped around to fine, to my amazement, Professor McGonagall smiling fondly at my reaction. I didn't even know she could...

After she'd filled a small sack with gold, she turned to me and motioned that we should leave, probably before she got into a verbal spat with our escort who I made a little more of an effort to smile kindly to before we left. The surprise on his face shocked me, and I saw a glimpse of  a smile grace his hooked features, different from the one that snobby creature at the front desk. His smile widened to reach his eyes when I waved goodbye, calling to thank Globrown before we continued back into the startlingly bright sunlight. I shielded my eyes, having become accustomed to the darkness after our long ride down into the depths to find my vault.

When back in the sun, she took no time at all in parting the crowds and decidedly making her way towards a shop called 'Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions'. Stepping into this quaint little shop was a queer experience. Seemingly endless amounts of rows, filled with what seemed to be velvet hooded dresses, similar to the one worn by Professor McGonagall, lined the walls with barley an inch between each item. My eyes darted between vivid greens, succulent blues, and deep purples, and I couldn't focus my attention for more than a few seconds. However, a composed cough came from behind me and I swiftly averted my gaze back to Professor McGonagall. 

"Give me two shakes of a thestral's tail and I'll be with you my dear' an echoed voice bellowed from behind one of the clothes racks.

When I looked in the direction of the voice, I caught the eyes of another girl, about my age. She smiled shyly at me, then upon seeing my return of greeting, proceeded to grin widely and stick out her tongue before turning back to her mother who pinched her arm lightly when she'd done this.

"Nyxasia! Manners young lady or you will be taken home and I will choose your cloak for you!" She then sheepishly glanced me over and her gaze hardened when she caught sight of my tattered clothes hanging in rags off my body, turning herself and her daughter in the other direction, she muttered about social standing before snapping her bony fingers in the direction of the voice. "Will this take much longer?"

Her tone was demanding and very self entitling, Professor McGonagall wrinkled her nose behind me and gently cleared her throat, drawing herself up to full height and placing a hand gently on my shoulder. She glared at the salty woman and she seemed to cower under McGonagall's gaze.

"Hogwarts dear?" the withered woman questioned with a sigh, appearing from behind a row of vibrantly coloured cloaks "Right, well I'll need your chest size, height and cloak style preference"

My confusion was clearly evident as the lady, who's name I deduced to be Madam Malkin, glanced behind me.

"Minerva! It's what a pleasure to see you again." Her eyes once again landed upon me. "You don't usually handle schoolchild cases, usually they send Pomona or Rubeus" She smiled at me briskly though I could tell it was meant to be warm and welcoming. "You must be special then my dear. Let's get to work on your school robes then." Her smile faded quickly as the rude woman from before began tapping a heeled shoe.

"We were here first. Surely we should be allowed priority as opposed to that little urchin." I felt my face turning red and was about to open my mouth when I stopped myself from talking. Mouthing off to adults never, ever got me anything except hunger or a black eye. Professor McGonagall nudged me slightly and gave an encouraging nod. Gulping, I drew myself up to defend myself.

"I don't think that's very polite of you." My voice shook slightly but as her shocked expression grew, so did my confidence. Professor McGonagall took a step back, well aware of my temper. "You have no idea who I am yet you're so willing to write me off as nothing more than an urchin. You say urchin as if you could survive ten minutes on the street. I have scraped and scrimped," I continue, taking a small step toward the woman. "over  three hellish years to just survive, while you probably sat in an ivory tower being spoon fed. You can't imagine what I've gone through." Madam Malkin moved to stand by Professor McGonagall and they both didn't interject as I continued. "Paid â meiddio? Dydych chi ddim yn gwybod dim amdana i. Does gen I ddim byd, mae gen ti bopeth.*" I shifted as my mood got worse, growling in Welsh at this woman who dared to belittle me.

 A hand was placed again on my shoulder and my mouth snapped shut. My feet shuffled and I looked at the floor. Once again, I'd said too much.

*Paid â meiddio? Dydych chi ddim yn gwybod dim amdana i. Does gen I ddim byd, mae gen ti bopeth.- How dare you? You don't know anything about me. I have nothing, you have everything. 

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