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When everyone is dressed, they all crowd into a group before Yoongi taps Jins shoulder.

Jin turns to look at him.

"Yes?" Jin says, with a confused look on his face.

"Your neck."

"My neck?"


Jin looks at Yoongi for a couple of seconds before it registers in his mind.


Namjoon had given hickeys to the boy.

Jin nods. "Thank you." He mouthes out to Yoongi before excusing himself to the bathroom.

He brushes past the boys before he grabs Namjoons wrist, taking him into the bathroom.

"Fix it." He States abruptly.

Namjoon looks at him with a dazed look. "Fix what?"

Jin gestures to his neck.

"Hide these!"


"Management!" Jin hisses.

Namjoon smiles before walking closer to the boy.

"I'd rather give you more than hide them,love." Jin swallows and Namjoon smiles.

He moves his hand forward, placing his soft fingers on Jins chin and tips Jins head up.

"I love you baby...don't let management know..." he moans out, slightly turning Jin on.

Jin smirks before leaning forward, planting a kiss on Namjoons soft lips and he pulls away. He cups Namjoon's soft face in his hands.

There's knocking at the bathroom door.

"Namjoon?! Jin?! Come on!" Jungkook yells from the other side of the door.

Namjoon and Jin scramble to get to the door before opening it, to reveal the boys laughing.

"We thought you guys died in there." Jimin says blankly, before giggling.

Soon a girl appears. "Come on! Shows in 1 hour!" They all nod before rushing outside to the place where the concert would be held.

They step onto the sidewalk as the breeze encloses them.

A couple of eager fans are there and there's screaming as they walk to the trailer where they're getting makeup done and where they'll get dressed.

Namjoon reaches his hand out subtly, around 4 inches from his waist but just enough for Jin to notice and wrap his pinky around Namjoons pinky. He bites his lip to keep from crying.

They'd have to sneak loving gestures in without management noticing.

Soon, they're separated to have makeup put on such as blush.

The makeup artist sits Jin down and is toning his cheekbones when she inhales deeply.

"What-" she starts, before revealing a trail of love bites on his neck.

She smiles before sighing. "I'll cover these up. Who did that? Looks like they really want you."

She doesn't expect an answer when he quickly blurts out,"Namjoon."

She looks at him before smiling.

"Ah. I get you. Too bad you were forced to break up. Okay now it's time to get your stage clothes on, Jun-lee over there will give you your clothes." She gestured to another girl.

He nods before walking off to get dressed.

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