Past tense

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"How did you and Zander meet?" I asked Jesse and he looked from me to where Zander was cooking dinner.

"I was in the same vampire coven for a couple years. My wife and one son stayed in. My other came with me. When Zander's sire died I heard he got away, I wanted to know about my family and we sort of formed a friendship after that." I was seriously confused.

"You have a wife? You aren't- wow I need to be around people more." I blushed hard and looked away and tried to cool my embarrassment.

"I'm gay. Like Elton John gay. But when I was human... gay was not okay. So I married my best friend and we had kids. I still love her but not the way I love men. And she is okay with that. She and I are still married and we look out for each other when we need to. I don't tell a lot of people about them. It's a secret, even to my new best friend." He gave a small laugh and shook his head before looking at Zander.

"What was Zander like when you met him?" I asked and looked over to him as he looked back at us.

"Don't go spreading rumors Jesse. Tell her no embarrassing stories." He all but begged and I smirked and looked to Jesse.

"There was this one time when there was to be a huge orgy-"

"Jesse!" Zander cut him off and Jesse smirked and looked at me.

"Never mind, no fun. I will tell you when he's not around." He patted my hand and looked at Zander with a smirk.

"I don't want her knowing what I used to do. It's in the past, I'm not that kind of person anymore." He told Jesse, and for a second Jesse seemed to think back to something before snapping out of it and nodding with his head lowered.

"You okay?" I asked him and he nodded slowly.

"I used to think there was no way people could change over the years, like, you know, zebra can't change its stripes and all that... but I've changed more than I ever thought I would. And so has the world." He shrugged before looking at Zander.

"What were you like?" I asked and he let out a scoff.

"Horrid. I used to be so repressed and angry that I took it out on my sons. Not for no reason, but when I had a reason I would blow it out of proportion and that is one of the reasons I don't talk to my eldest son at all." He shrugged before sighing.

"Are you going to contact him?" I asked and he gulped but shook his head. "Why?"

"I might have done some deplorable things but he said things you could never take back." He told me and I had to wonder if anything was said about his sexual preferences.

I sat there and looked back over at Zander and his eyes lit up just a bit when he held my gaze for less than 5 seconds.

"I miss that." Jesse whispered before sighing lightly.

"What?" I asked and looked back at him while trying to think about anything but Zander and I going to bed later.

"Having someone to smile at. And not just smile, it's someone to be happy with." Jesse told me and he gave me a wink before looking to Zander. "I don't really go for the buff ones though." He wrinkled his nose and I laughed lightly.

"I do apparently." I looked over Zander's arms and shoulders and legs and made sure not to lick my lips like a hunter waiting to taste it's prey.

Before I could tear my gaze away Zander caught my gaze again, but instead of its holding it he started moving towards me and I felt my lady bits throb as his eyes took on a red hue again and I shivered when he came up next to me.

"What would you like?" He asked, kissing my neck and then nipping my ear.

"A blood bag and then what you plan on cooking..."

"Is that it?" He asked when I paused and he scraped his fang on my neck and I shuddered as silently as possible.

"You." I told him, turning and brushing my lips against him and he smiled and leaned in to kiss me properly.

I wrapped one arm around his neck and giggled as his hands touched my sides and he pulled away slowly. "I can't wait to eat you too."

I shook my head and watching him go back to cooking. I smiled when he looked back at me. I didn't know how I got here.

I don't know how long I had been alone. I had a brother, and I occasionally had his friends and lovers  to converse with... but I can't think of a single time I talked to someone because I wanted to. Because I thought they were interesting.

I never spoke out of turn in fear of my father. And I didn't go out like my brother did because I was so accustomed to being alone throughout my childhood and after all these years, after a couple hundred years I was still like that.

I got up slowly, making my way up stairs and pulling out my sketch pad. I pulled out a pencil, and I started to draw what I was going to call my last portrait of my brother.

I drew up for so long. I cried over him for so long, and maybe that is why the Witch the Hunters gave can use him against me. They saw how much I drew him. The my must have figured out that I was lonely and needed a friend or something and they're using him against me.

I moved from the floor to the window in our bedroom and used the natural light to help me when it started to get a bit darker out.

I was just finishing up with his eyes when a knock was put on the open door to my left and I looked over to see Zander.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked softly and I smiled, did the last couple strokes before turning the book to him. "Drawing other men now huh? Should I be jealous?" He teasers and came closer and I let him take the book.

"Incest is mostly frowned upon. Plus he's dead and I don't know the sexual term for that... that's my brother. The last picture I am going to ever draw of him. I have to move on with my life." I told him and I saw a bit of recognition in his eyes when he looked at it harder and he seemed confused if anything as he set it down and held out his hand to me.

"You and him had the same nose and eyes." He told me and I nodded.

"Got it from our mother." I told him. He pulled on my hand and wrapped both arms around me when I was just in front of him. His hold was tight and warm, and if there was nothing else to do I would stay in his arms all day.

"I love you."

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