A Drop In The Ocean~ (Niall Horan Love story)

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                                                                    Chapter 1

                                                               Jasmine's POV


 I woke up remembering Niall was coming home from tour today. Today is the day I tell him how I feel. I smiled to myself and took a shower and got dressed. I hopped in my car and blasted music, I was picking him up from the airport. After about a 20 minute drive I pulled in. I walked in and looked around waiting to see if Niall had gotten off his flight or not yet. I looked to my right and my heart shattered into a billion pieces... Niall was standing there kissing a beautiful blonde. Was I dreaming? Why hadn't he mentioned he had a girlfriend? I quickly blinked back the tears. "Niall! Over here!" I yelled he broke away smiling and looked over he smiled widely. I smiled at him he ran over and embraced me in a huge bone crushing hug I smiled and smelled in his scent that I missed. I hugged him back and smiled widely "I missed you so much Jazzy" he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. He gave me that nickname when we were 4. I smiled he broke away and looked at me "You look amazing babe" he said and smiled. I blushed and smiled. I heard someone clear their throat we turned around and it was the blonde he had been kissing she smiled sweetly at me but there was something strange about her. "Hiii! You must be Jasmine! I'm Clarissa"  I smiled at her I went to  shake her hand but instead she took me in for a hug. I smiled and hugged back she seemed better for Niall then I could have ever been. i mentally sighed "Niall never told me how beautiful you were!" She exclaimed and smiled at me. I blushed "Thanks you guys seem perfect for each other" I said regret in every word that came from my mouth. She smiled and blushed this time he smiled and hugged her. "C'mon guys let's go get something to eat i'm starving" Niall said I laughed. Same old Niall. For some reason it felt as if Clarissa was glaring at me the whole walk to car. What the hell was going on is this chick bi polar or something? I got in the car and started driving. I couldnt help but feel my heart break even more everytime the would kiss or hold hands. I pulled into the resturant Niall was the first one out of the car I laughed and looked at him. "Uh could you stop drooling over MY boyfriend for like 5 seconds. It's getting kind of annoying you miserable twat"  I think my jaw hit the floor I stared at Clarissa with my mouth open "Ew close your mouth you're going to catch flies" She smirked and walked inside. One question ran through my mind. What the hell just happened??


I ran my fingers through my hair remembering that horrid day it happened a few monthes ago. I should probably fill you in on what happened.  Clarissa and I ended up getting into a fight the second day they were there. She isn't the sweet girl everyone thinks she is. Niall and I no longer talk and to tell you the truth not a day goes by I don't miss him. Him and that skank are on the cover of every magazine every where I turn "Narissa" (their couple name) is plastered everywhere. I can't stand it but as long as Niall's happy I'm happy I guess.  I flicked off the T.V. and looked at the clock 3 p.m. I walked into the kitchen to raid the fridge. I came back and my phone was going off without looking at the caller I.D. I answered "Hello?" "Hey Jazzy can we talk?" A familar voice flooded my ears. "Um sure.." "lookimreallysorryaboutwhathappenedwithclarissabutireallyreallymissyouimsorry" Niall said really fast I smiled to myself "Niall... You picked your skank liar girlfriend over your bestfriend of 14 years how can I forgive you?" he sighed "I'm sorry I really am"  I sighed I could never stay mad at him "I forgive you" he let out a sigh of relief " I'm so glad to hear that. So the boys and I are getting a break soon do you think we could come stay with you for a while?" I smiled and frowned for a second "Is the skank coming"  "She's not a skank! and yes she's coming" I groaned "Fine but if she starts shit again then your asses will be on the street" He laughed "Thanks babe we're coming in next week I'll see ya then love you" I smiled "Bye Nialler love you too" We both hung up at the same time. This could be heaven and this could be hell...

A/N: okay this is my first fan-fic tell me what you guys think :)

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