Away From The Sun

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He stood just outside her front door, hidden in the shadows of the hall. He could hear her shuffling around inside, looking for something. He wanted to join her but he couldn't pass into her home without permission because of what he was, a Master vampire of St. Louis. With being a vampire he could not pass over her threshold without her formally inviting him in. Plus, she didn't even know he was out here, not that she was expecting him. If she knew he was out here there was a chance she'd invite him in, then again she might not and just send him away.

Some humans fear the vampire race but not her, Rose Gontier, didn't fear vampires but she feared someone more human then them, someone perhaps more deadly, Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. For that she wouldn't associate with Jean-Claude. They've met before, a few time, they knew each other, more then anyone would think. Jean-Claude knowing she felt somethings towards him was but not sure of what she felt but if it was anything to act upon she wouldn't in fear of the Vampire Hunter who was Jean-Claude's Human Servant.

That might be the reason why she has never invited him back in after that one time. Jean-Claude came to Rose to talk and Anita found him, Rose's arms around Jean-Claude, comforting him, and Anita assuming something was going on threatened her. This was months ago, maybe almost a year but since then Rose has kept her distance from him as well as any of the other vampires, not that she ever spent much time around the others to begin with.

As Jean-Claude was thinking the shuffling began to slow as he heard her foot steps heading for the door, he could tell just by the sound of her feet that she wasn't going out anywhere special tonight, she had slippers on. Her keys were jingling as she tried to untangle the right one. Then the door opened and Rose stood there, a book clutched in one hand and a bag of drinks in the other. She stepped out into the hall and put the bag on the floor and was about to turn and lock the door when she noticed him. She look scared, her human eyes couldn't make out who it was so he stepped out into the light that spilled from the lamp just inside her door and out into the hall. Rose then realized who it was, her eyes got wide and she looked at him in shock like she couldn't believe he was here after all this time.

"Jean-Claude." she said almost like it was a question.

"Rose" replied the Vampire.

She looked at him like he was a stranger, like she didn't couldn't believe she found him just outside her door, but she did and that sent her thinking. Then she shook her head, her long red hair fall into her face and as he reached out to brush it aside she hurried to push it away.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered.

He tilted his head to side, a grin played on his lips, like the answer was obvious. She just stood there looking at him, confused. It seemed his intentions of being here weren't as obvious as he thought they were, why he was here on her front steps? His eyes bored into hers as she tried to stare him down, some type of feeling swelling in hers, but then she blinked and looked away, blushing.

She was so innocent.

"Oh." was all she said. So she did come to some kind of a conclusion to why he was here. When she recovered from her embarrassment she looked up at him, that feeling gone from her eyes , he stepped closer.

"Go away, Jean-Claude."

"You know that you don't wish to send me away. " the Vampire said, feeling her feelings he knew this, she missed him all the time he was away. All that time he never came back. She missed him.

"That's not what you want." he said.

"Sure, but I don't want you either." she stated rather bluntly.

Touché." his smile grew wider as her checks become red again.

"Go back and entertain Anita."

"She isn't in need of entertainment tonight. She is working."

"Then go and entertain Asher. I'm sure he would love to spend some time with you. As I heard Anita takes up a lot of your time and worry. Wont poor Asher feel neglected?" her voice was mocking, like she knew more then she let on.

"Asher is just fine."

"Well go back to you little hiddie-hole and play with the other vampires."

"No." he said.

"And why is that? Are they upset with you again? What is it this time, Richard trying to steal Anita back and your putting all your effort into trying to keep her instead of them?"

His face clouded over with her angry words, as if what she was saying is true. She hated that look, it hurt her just as much as her words hurt him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It was wrong and none of my business." she rushed.

"But truth is in your words, Rose."

She didn't press matters but got back onto why he was here. "Why are you here?"

"Because I wish to spend time with you."

" And why is that?" Rose demanded.

"Because I enjoy your company. It's been far to long."

"Its been that long because it should be. You shouldn't be here."

"We use to talk."

"Talk to Anita."

"It's not the same."

She didn't say anything, she just looked down at her feet again.

"Its not like when we talk, Rose." Jean-Claude voice was low, almost a whisper.

"And what am I? Your therapist?" she whispered with force.

"No, your someone who listens, someone who does not judge, someone who understands."

"But, Jean-Claude, I'm not a vampire."

"That doesn't mean you don't understand, my Rose." Jean-Claude said using what he use to call her ' my rose'.

She didn't say anything for time. Still holding his gaze but silent. Her eyes showed him that his words were true, that she did understand him, she didn't judge him, she always listened to him. Her eyes again held all the old feelings, everything that she tried so hard to bury, all rushed to the surface again. Still she didn't say anything.

He didn't want to oppose himself upon her so he turned to leave, she reached out, grabbing his hand.

"Don't go." she whispered.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Me being here does." his voice slightly sad.

"It because it has been far too long." she told him.

"Longer then it should have been." he agreed, turning to face her.

"Jean-Claude," she whispered, tightening her hold on his hand "Would you like to come in?"

"Oui, I would like that very much, my Rose."

She pushed the door open behind her and lead him by the hand into her home.

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