Chapter 1

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It was a hot Friday afternoon. School was out and I didn't have to be home till five. If this wasn't the twenty-first century on a 37 degree day like today there would probably be an ice cream truck driving around selling 50¢ ice creams. These days children sit inside, with video games, x-boxes and all the other crap we use. I would go out and buy an ice cream, but couldn't get one with three bucks, and the only petrol station that sells cheep ice creams, I am band from for robbery reasons. As I think of it I now I realise why my mother always made me walk to school; petrol is a expense, everything is really. I drag my bag down the lonely street. This street has been untouched for years and council doesn't give a crap. I seem to always love this place. My girlfriend, Denice and I carved 'Dee + bengie= 4eva' together on that tree. Denice or Dee as some call her, is really popular. I mainly date her because she is chick and I am dude and saying no to her request to date me would be against the group's slogan; when a chick offers her heart except or we treat you as the other. All this is really saying is, if you don't date a chick then they will treat you like shit. But the thing is, I don't really like Denice. Like she's nice and such a babe, but I want more than just making out with someone I am meant to call my girlfriend. I want someone who has the same background as me; punk, criminal, poor, well maybe not the last one but someone I can talk to without having the police involved. I climbed the tree, leaving my bag dumped on the ground. Today was a long day. As well as 2 tests, I got a 'F' on my essay about Shakespeare and I have to write it all again. I also got a detention that I will be attending tomorrow for cheating off Marina Dayley's test. Personally I blame the teachers. Why put a D student next to an A student who never covers her work, destain for desarster. I don't love this street because Denice and I wrote on the tree, it's because it's the only place I can fully express my feelings. A diary; for girls. Writting; boring! But graffiti was a way I could express my feelings in a different way. Well a diary wouldn't send me to jail but my life is so stuffed up could it get anymore. My friends often wonder down this street and I never mention the fact the graffiti is my work, as they said 'expressing your feelings is gay' first of all this is rude to both myself and gay people. I closed my eyes so I could take a relaxing deep breathe, when a sound interrupted me. It was the fast pitter-patter of Drake Winterbuge's shoes. The sound started fairly soft and gradually became louder and louder, till Drake was standing at the end of the street with a tizzeled look on his face. Drake was like me. He dated a chick who was as dumb as dog shit and also had the leader of the group 'Joey Jubaline' sitting on his back. We both have been given a second chance with the group after Joey made us to smoke pot and when we got caught we dobbed in Joey, and as the second rule in the book 'no dobbing' we were always kept all eyes on. "What up, Brozza" I said jumping down off the tree. "It's Joey" he said in a shallow voice while walking towards me. "What do you mean it's Joey" I said looking him in the eyes even though he was meters apart from me. Then suddenly I heard a voice, almost like Joey's. When someone screamed, sounding like Denice's. I could also hear a car coming in the distance. Police, I thought and scrambled back up the tree. Once up in the tree I climbed along one of the thicker branches that led to the roof of an old abandoned house. I could hear scuffing behind me as I slid across the branch. Drake was following me. He got the plan; climb tree, climb branch, get on roof, see whats happening, hind from police, don't get arrested. The roof was falling apart and Drake and me couldn't stand to close together as it would increase the chance of myself and him falling though the roof and possibly dying. There was another scream, defiantly Denice. The police cars siren got louder and louder till it came to a screeching stop. I dropped down and lied on the roof for safety as me and the police have a very bad past, and I wanted to stay as far as I could away from the police. Drake dropped down as well and we could finally see what was happening on the other side of the house we were lying on.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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