the hole

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Lucys pro
I looked though the hole and saw 2 people kissing in a classroom I could not believe what I was seeing.
"Oh my-
Natsu pit his hands over my mouth
"Lucy shhhhhgg well get caught by erza" he said in my ear I stared to blush really hard

Natsu's pro
Even though I saw the couple through the hole I still did not want to get caught by erza who knows what will happen if she finds us!
"Lucy calm down"
"What do you mean calm down" she replies I could feel Lucy's butt on my member, it felt really good I looked away  and tried not to look at her then I would get hard.

Lucy's pro
Suddenly I found myself leaning  on natsu's member I did not know what to do I started to blush really hard
We were like this for 45 seconds untill I felt it get hard
"Ahhhh" I moaned natsu covers my mouth

Natsu's pro
O god she felt it what should I do suddly I could hear the couple making lots of noise in the classroom it's like they could not get a room!
Seconds later I could small Lucy but not her usual small like a sweet smell that was coming from between her legs.

Natsu and Lucy were inside the closet for a longs time like this. Until erza found them

"Gacha!!!" Erza yelled

After the one round Natsu and Lucy decided they did not want to play anymore so they all went home

Lucy's pro
Natsu was hard because if the couple in the class...TBH I did not know he was able to do that he's so Dense

A little while after that I ended up laying in my bed fell asleep  a while later I heard a voice that woke me up
I turned around to see natsu coming in my room from my window I turn around and covers my self as fast as I could. I did not want to look at natsu and I was sure to about to do it now.

Natsu pro
" Lucy?"
I could hear hear her moving  and I know that she was hiding she really is afraid of me. "Lucy why are your so scared of me I don't know what I did but u r always hiding your face from and  and I don't know what to do anymore."
I layed next to her in her bed hoping she would not hit  of kick me in the process, I did not say a word and closed my eyes.

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