the bed

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Lucy's pro
I could feel natsu lay next to me we stayed like this for 29min till I noticed he had dozed off
"Wow your are cute when your sleep natsu" I said I could not help but want to kiss him my urges were bad.
I got up and walked in to the bathroom and say on the toilet and did not lift up the seat

-Warning ppls-

I pulled down my painties and could feel the cold air on my womenhood.
I started to finger myself in the bathroom, it felt amazing and I could not stop all I was thinking about was natsu and I could not stop
Soon after that I started to moan his name "on natsu"
"Not so fast"
I've always loved natsu but there was no point in telling him I think he still  loved lisanna so I never bothed.

Natsu pro
I could hear Lucy in the bathroom her smell woke me up it was the sweet smell I heard her masterbating on the bathroom to whom though it made me sad to think she was in love with someone else but I knew that u could not doing anything about that.
I looked down at my pants and could see my member sticking straight up
I started to jerk off in Lucy's bed why idk but j could not help it hearing her moan made me feel good

Lucy's pro
I heard natsu curse and mabey thought he broke something in my room so I got up and ran out of the bathroom to see natsu masterbating
In myyyyy bed and I could not help but blush really hard he looked at me and started to blush and I did not know what to say I was lost..

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