How you meet

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Hero- You were walking around Helidador when you saw a handsome looking young man around your age enter the kingdom. He looked very lost and confused, and being the nice kind person that you are you walked up to him and asked if he needed any help. He nodded his head and asked where the IN was. It was getting dark out and it looks like he has been traveling a while. You pointed to where he had to go."You wouldn't happen to have 250 gold coins on you?" you asked. He shook his head no. "Well that's how much it is to stay and if you don't have 250 gold on you your more than welcome to stay at my house. That's only if you want to." you told him. He kindly ask if it was ok with you. you laugh and took him by his hand, leading you to your house. "Of course it is silly. why do you think I offered? Oh my where are my manners" you came to a stop when you got to your house. "My name is (Y/N) by the way and welcome to my home." you told him leading him inside.

Erik- You wear thrown in the Heliodor dungeon along with the Luminary, because the king claimed that he was the Darkspawn and you were his cousin. You were pissed. Your cousin tried to clam you down but that only made you even more mad. You started throwing 2 pots that were in the cell with you. The guy in the cell across from you told you to keep it down in there and that most people have the decency to wait a little while before losing their minds. a gard came down to give him his diner and he knocked him out and took his keys. The man broke himself out then unlocked you and your cousins cell.

Salvando- You were new to the circus. And you were assigned the job of helping a curtain jester. You walked back stage to introduce yourself to see the most handsome man ever. He was so nice to you and he actually made you feel like a person. Most people so far have gave you weird looks. and the girls laugh at you because you weren't in a dancer costume or a bunny girls outfit. he gave you the warm welcome you actually wanted.

Serena and Veronica- You Veronica while helping her find little sister, Serena. You never expected to found out that Veronica was a twin and her size was because of a monster draining her magic. 

Jade- You guys meet in the tournament. Her and Rab were fighting you and your partner. You were a hard fighter, and almost as good of a fighter as Jade was. You accidently kicked her right in her face because you lost sight of her and when she taped on your shoulder that was your instis told you to do. Causing her to fall back and have a bloody nose. You won the round and before you could say your sorry to her a crowd of people swarm around you. Trapping you. She walked away holding her nose and Rab following close behind her. You never wanted to do that, and you felt so bad.

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