chapter 2

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A/N Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the Addams Family


Gomez grabbed Harry's hand and shook it up and down faster than should be humanly possible. As they shook hands a boy around six threw a knife at Harry who caught it without ceasing the hand shake.

Gomez laughed at this," Good catch, old man!"

Harry srugged, "knifes are my favorite wepon," he said with an insane smile.

The little boy with the mustache who had been pouting over not killing  Harry smiled,"Knifes are Wednesdays favorite too," he pointed to a girl in a black dress with her hair in two pigtails who looked Harry's age, " I am going to get as good as her, so she will let me play with her."

The girl stared at him with no emotions, "As if you could catch up Pubert, I have five years on you. If you ever want to catch up you will have to practice more."
The boy, Pubert pouted and turned to walk out the door. After he left the other Addams where introduced as Fester, Morticia,Grandmama, Pugsly, and a severed hand by the name of thing, but Harry wasn't one to judge so he didn't questions it. When Morticia was introducing herself she told him Pugsly would show him to his room so he could get settled in before dinner. Pugsly lead him him up  three flights of stairs, and down two hallways before they stopped at a room that had a dark brown door. When Pugsly opened it Harry saw it was huge, it had a bed, which was easily the biggest bed he had seen in his entire life, it wasn't four poster like his bed at Hogwarts,but it was huge. The room was dark green with blackout curtains, and black bedding. There was a small bathroom with a bath, and toilet and one sink. This room already felt more at home than Griffindore tower ever had.  When he turned back around to tell Pugsly thanks for showing him to his room he was gone. This didn't freak Harry out that much because he himself did the same thing to people all the time. He put his poisons on the shelf by his dresser taking some basilisk venom with him as he went to wander the house.
As he walked he heard some noise coming from the first floor, when he got to the room he found Grandmama stirring a pot of some kind of green liquid.
When she noticed him she asked him if he would like to help, cooking had always been fun to him even though he was forced to do it, so he agreed.

"What is it you are drinking there boy?"she asked looking like she would snach the bottle from his hand any moment.

"Basilisk venom,would you like some I have plenty." He said wondering if it would killing the whole family if she put it in the pot of whatever she was cooking.

"Basilisk venom! Where on Earth did you find that I can never find any that is authintic." She all but screamed in his face she was so excited as she snached the bottle from his hand.

He got an insane gleam in his eye that he usually hid very well, "In my second year of Hogwarts, a girl got possessed by a spirit in a diary and was controlling a basilisk in the school petrifying people, and me bring the only other parsletoung I was the only other person who could get in the chamber of secrets. When I got down there to save the girl, which I didn't really want to do but the headmaster dumbeldore made me.  The spirit tried to kill me using the basilisk so I killed it first. Then this year I went back to the chamber to get it's skin and decided I would go ahead and get it's venom too, because arsinic was getting boring. "

Grandmama nodded as he explained taking it all in stride as she dumped the entire bottle into her cauldron.
She and Harry smiled wickedly as she screeched, "DINNER!!"

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