Chapter Something

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Uhm- Since y'all actually lIkEd iT, I'm going to make one more chapter. Honestly, you all forgot this by now, but that's fInE- *Painful Screech* Ok, bye. I honestly don't remember what the actual fUCK happened in the last chapters. She's OP and a Mary Sue, but that's ok, because I like OP characters.


I dragged Ciel away, purposely slamming his head against any corner I saw.  The dumb bitch shouldn't have even knOWN of this smut. You know what?- I blame it on Kakashi. 

"mEI- I swear to every thing good and holy, sO BOI IF YOU DON'T-" Ciel shrieked.

I promptly dropped him on the ground, and stared at him like a disappointed Asian mother.

"Tell your mother what the fuck you were doing, before I chop your dick off- If you even have one." I pondered at my last comment.

"Mom, Guess what? aHeH- YEET-" He whipped. I stared at him in complete utter fake confusion. I knew that vine better than my own Birthday.

"The fuck- The fuck did you just do?-" Ciel interrupted, "YEET." I continued my sentence, "Tell me what the fuck you just did, before you get your ass bEaT-" I pulled out my lighter. 

"I may or may have not stole this from Asuma, but I have this lighter for a reason-" I held up the extra Icha Icha he had.- "sLow dOwN, gRaB yOuR bIbLe~ pRaY lIkE yOu trYnA mAkE yOuR sOuL rEvIvAl- prAisE tHe lOrd, pRaIse tHe lOrd-" You started to do the dance for the vine you quoted from memory.

Ciel shrieked like a Banshee once more, and rolled on the floor. He deeply inhaled and, "i wAnNa cHurCh gIrl tO dO tO cHurcH~" He smirked devilishly and winked at the villagers staring at them oddly.- "aNd rEaD hEr bIbLe~" He said, with the absolute derpiest voice I've heard since I woke up here.

With my sensitive ears, I head something quite odd from a villager, "What the actual fUCK-" Turns out it was Shikaku Nara. I'm in deep shit now, but I'm quoting vInES- Do I care? I THINK NOT-

Shikaku spoke, "Um...Are you perhaps Mei Marshibi?" He gave a questioning glance at Ciel, who was still rolling on the floor.

I cleared my throat, "No, This is Patrick." You better bet shit went d o w n .

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