AlexHe likes laying on you when you watch Netflix. He really only does it when you don't pay attention to him, So he does that.
To annoy you, He twists your words. You found really annoying one day and he was sleeping in the kitchen, since Your friend was on the couch. He still does it and doesn't care about the consequence.
He likes hiding your keys so you can't leave him alone. The giant cuddle bear does this cause he doesn't want you in a car crash or he just wants cuddles. You honeslty think its sweet but seriously.
He keeps leaving the turtle food on the floor where the 9 fucking turtles can get it, You also know he does this when you don't pay attention to him, That's why you get annoyed.
He annoys you by, Talking French. When you don't give him a cuddle or give him a kiss.
G. Wash
He overworks himself with his work. He doesn't mean to but, Hey, He is a university teacher.
He threatens your gay friends.
He always carries a bible.
He is like his father.
$$ Sup, There we go! So yea$$