Deku the Fireman

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It was the end of 3rd year middle School for everyone's beloved cinnamon roll everyone in his class made fun of him for dreaming to become a hero.
Izuku was also bullied for being quirkless but that didn't stop him to try and become a hero his former childhood friend had told him " take a swan dive off the roof and see if you'll get a quirk in the next life".

Izuku walked home until a sludge villian attacked him he was saved before suffocating by his Idol AllMight that's when he asked a question answered.

Izuku: AllMight can someone who is quirkless be a hero?

AllMight: I'm sorry but no you'll be a liability. Why don't you join another profession like police officer or reporter.

After AllMight left Izuku was depressed once his idol crushed his dreams. Izuku looked for a sign as to what he should do next it wasn't until he came across a billboard that read " Backdraft academy do you have what it takes to be a hero"

Izuku took a picture of the billboard which contained a website he would later investigate what it was about. When he finally arrived home his mother was worried about him but she saw his eyes filled with determination.

As Izuku walked into his room he began to take down all the AllMight merchandise he had hung up all over the room. After putting away the hero merh into a storage box he typed in the website he saw on his way home the home page read.

"Attention we seek you!

Do you wish to be a hero but don't have a quirk meant for hero work? If so come to Backdraft's fire academy we offer a 10 month course in which many can live their dreams to be heroes."

After reading this advertisement Izuku clicking on the sign up portion and received an email that the course would begin in a few days. Once Izuku stepped out of his room Inko was near his door trying to check in on him but she saw his smile which meant that he'd be alright.

Izuku: Hey mom I've decided that I'm going to be a firefighter

Inko: Okay honey just know that I'll always support you.

After a few days Izuku was at Backdraft academy where he'd being his new career. Many around him were guys who were 18 years old Izuku may have been the youngest there be he'd prove he would belong.

Since Izuku was younger he needed parental consent which Inko happily agreed while everyone waited in attention Backdraft arrived.

Backdraft: Hello and welcome to my academy we're here to see if you're fit to become firefighters. Through these 10 months I will be molding your bodies to be an asset in rescues. Now when your time ends here I will select the top 5 and send them to different firehouse locations to start their careers.

(10 months later)

After 10 months of harsh training it was time to see who the top 5 were. Backdraft came in to see the cadets he trained from the ground up Izuku Midoriya ranked 1st alongside those he considered close friends second was Taiga, third was Satoshi, fourth was Kazuki and fifth was Yukimitsu.

They were all assigned to work in the same Firehouse in Mustafa the city in which Izuku grew up in. For the first few days it was quiet which meant that the 5 could focus on extra training to be prepared for when they are needed.

After two days they were on call so they'd be prepared for an emergency and just like that a call came in.

Izuku: hello this is Mustafa fire department

Takeshi: Hello my name is Takeshi Yaoyorozu and a fire started in my home please we need help!

Izuku noticed that the man seemed frantic thats when Izuku took charge and shouted

Izuku: Taiga, Satoshi, Kazuki and Yukimitsu gear up! We're needed

Once everyone was in full gear they headed towards the Yaoyorozu estate without Backdraft who was at another station. This meant that Izuku and his team were on their own for their first rescue

Upon arrival they split the team up into those who'll handle Civilian safety and the others will fight the fire. Izuku and Yukimitsu were the ones fighting the fire while Taiga and Satoshi are rescuing those trapped inside finally Kazuki regulated the water pressure. When the five thought that they were done when Takeshi Yaoyorozu was in a panic

Takeshi: Where's my daughter!?

Izuku: What's your daughter look like?

Takeshi: Her hair is black, it's styled into a pony tail, she's a bit taller than average.

Izuku: okay I'll go back in. Taiga it looks like someone is missing I'm going to run in hand me the axe and oxygen tank!

Taiga: On it!

As Izuku ran back inside the burning building he began calling out as he chopped debris that blocked doors

Izuku: Hello Anybody else in here!!!! Please respond! I'm here to help!

??: *Cough* cough* help! I'm trapped

Once Izuku heard the voice which sounded female he rushed to the origin and he saw a massive door that was blocked by a support beam once he chopped the support beam he saw the beautiful girl.

Izuku: Don't worry I'm here to save you!

Momo: I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. Thank you for coming back

Momo began to cough up a storm due to the lack of oxygen Izuku did what heroes do and sacrificed his needs to help another person. Momo was now given the oxygen tank and Izuku began to endure until she was outside safely.

Once outside the media and ambulances were on standby waiting for what was about to happen. As both Izuku and Momo emerged from the burning mansion as the people saw a young women with the oxygen mask while the young man was coughing like crazy.

As Taiga, Satoshi, Kazuki and Yukimitsu rushed to Izuku to check on him his breathing was back to normal. The media was trying to interview Izuku but his team had kept them away so he isn't crowded. After the fire was put out Izuku's firefighting team was about to leave when Momo pulled him aside

Momo: Thank you for saving me.

Izuku: It's no problem I was doing my job

Before Izuku left she slipped something in his hand and kissed his cheek his team saw this and Yukimitsu was the one to get Izuku into the truck.

Yukimitsu: hey lover boy we're heading out.

Izuku snapped out of it and they left for home

(Next day Somewhere at UA)

All of Momo's classmates had heard about what happened they were all glad that she was safe it wasn't until an announcement was made by the principal

Nezu: All students report to the auditorium for a special assembly.

Upon arrival Momo recognized the team of firefighters who arrived and rescued her. The assembly began

Nezu: First of all these 5 men who stand here before us have been granted the rank of hero. Please step forward Midoriya, Taiga, Yukimitsu, Satoshi and Kazuki

The students of UA applauded the 5 brave firefighters except one who was Katsuki Bakugou. Katsuki was angry that Izuku was granted the rank of hero faster than him

(Hey guys it been a while since my last oneshot this update is my thankyou for the 600 followers til next time peace ☮️)

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