Chapter 1

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Atsushi was sitting in the school library, quietly reading away recess time. He was avoiding as many werewolves as he could, as told to by his parents.

He didn't want to disobey them, so he spent his recess in the library, eyes glued to his book, avoiding eye contact with any and all werewolves. It wasn't really too hard, considering no werewolves really came up to him.

He finished the book, tired of reading. He went and put it back to it's shelf and left the library, though still kept his head down. He accidentally bumped into someone and quickly looked up to apologize, when he realized it was Chuuya, one of the werewolves the most loved by the other werewolf women. He'd likely end up with a wonderful wife.

As soon as Atsushi saw it was a werewolf, and Chuuya at that, he cowered in fear. Chuuya seemed perfectly fine though. He wasn't angry at the boy at all.
"You were gonna say sorry? Don't bother. It's fine" He said calmly.

Atsushi nodded quietly and hurried off. Chuuya lightly chuckled before he was surrounded by werewolf girls.

Atsushi reached a classroom and hid there. He was confused. Why did Chuuya not get angry? Atsushi was a werecat. Werecats and werewolves aren't supposed to get along. Nor be fine with the other existing at that.

Atsushi has never been one to hate anybody, but he couldn't understand. He tried to ignore his thoughts by humming and relaxing a little until the bell rang for class and he hurried to class.

On the way, he bumped into another werewolf.
"Goddammit, again!?" He thought to himself in annoyance as he stumbled back slightly. The werewolf angrily turned to him and Atsushi flinched and cowered.

"Watch were you're going, werecat!" He boy spoke angrily.
"I-I'm sorry. I don't w-wanna be late and wasn't able t-to slow down in t-time" He stuttered, beginning to tremble.

"That's the worst fucking excuse so far. Who do you think you are!?" He spoke angrily, grabbing Atsushi by the collar of his shirt.

The smaller panicked and reflexively clawed the boy's face in self defense making him scream in pain and let Atsushi go.

Atsushi fell back, whimpering softly, even more scared now.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU SCARRED MY FACE!!" The boy screamed, bleeding.

Atsushi got back up quickly and tried to run, but the werewolf caught him quickly, yanking Atsushi back over to him. Atsushi struggled and kicked the air, hitting the boy's chest multiple times, unable to think correctly with him panicking.

Chuuya heard the commotion as he was heading to class, recognizing Atsushi and the werewolf's voices.

"Orion..." He mumbled, quickly hurrying to help Atsushi. Multiple times, Orion had gotten werecats in the nurse's office with deep cuts and bruised heavily. Some having broken arms.

He reached just in time.
"Let the boy go, Orion!" He called.
"Oh look, the gay boy!" Orion mocked.
"I'm not gay, Orion. Let Atsushi go" Chuuya sternly spoke, approaching.

"Mm. Nah. I'd rather hear this brat scream and cry. He scarred my face!" Orion spoke angrily.
"I don't give a fuck about your face. He had every reason to hurt you" Chuuya spoke angrily, crossing his arms.
"Let.Atsushi.go" He added.

Orion gritted his teeth, Atsushi trembling.
"Fucking fine! I'll get to him later anyway" Orion grumbled, shoving Atsushi over to Chuuya making the younger's back collide with Chuuya's chest.

Orion left and Chuuya immediately checked Atsushi for any injuries.
"Ch-chuuya, you don't need to... Y-you're not s-supposed to-" Atsushi tried, but Chuuya cut him off.
"I want to make sure you don't need the nurse. I'm not a dick like Orion is" Chuuya spoke plainly. He couldn't find anything, so he finally let Atsushi go.

He was gonna leave when Atsushi grabbed his hand.
"Hm?" He hummed, turning to Atsushi.
"U-uhm, what c-class do you have...?" Atsushi asked, looking down.
"History. Why?" He asked.
"I-I have ch-chemistry, but I don't w-wanna go a-alone" Atsushi mumbled, letting go of the older's hand when he realized they didn't have the same class.

"History isn't far from Chemistry. I can go with you, don't worry about it" Chuuya spoke softly.
"R-really? I don't want you to b-be late" Atsushi spoke.
"I'll be late either way and have been late a few times already. I don't care" Chuuya said calmly.

"Oh, okay" Atsushi spoke, voice less stuttering, but still shaky.

Atsushi didn't notice the smile he gave, gently taking Chuuya's hand to hurry to class, still trying to prevent Chuuya from being late to class.

Chuuya laughed lightly, smiling at the cute boy, calm. Atsushi smiled at the sound of Chuuya laughing, happy he made someone laugh. They reached Atsushi's class and he let go of Chuuya's hand.
"Don't die in there" Chuuya jokingly spoke, laughing lightly when Atsushi turned to him with puffy cheeks.

Last chemistry class, Atsushi failed at making a potion, ending up causing a burst of black smoke which caused him and the other classmates and the teacher to be covered in black ash.

"I'll do fine!" Atsushi protested, arms crossed and huffing.
"I'll laugh if I see you come out of class covered in ash again" Chuuya joked again.
"Stop, I'll be fine" Atsushi huffed.
"Hurry to class, dummy, you'll be late" Atsushi said with a smile.
"Maybe I'm trying to be" Chuuya said with a soft chuckle.

Atsushi's whole body jerked.
"No! Go to class! Education is important!" He spoke quickly, lightly pushing at Chuuya's chest. Chuuya laughed and ruffled Atsushi's hair.
"Okay, shorty" He said with a smile.

"Hey! I'm not short!" Atsushi said with a huff.
"See ya, shorty, gotta get my education" Chuuya spoke with a smirk as he headed off.
"Don't be late to class, kitty" He added.
Atsushi sighed lightly, a smile creeping onto his lips. He shook the smile off and fixed his hair, entering the classroom.

"Ah, just in time, Atsushi. Take your seat"

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