19: Do you see the lies in my smile?

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Hey I want to thank you all for almost 5k reads!!!! It is so amazing to see the reads rack up! I love hearing all of your comments

If I reach 5k after posting this Chapter would you guys want a contest with more prizes or a small raffle?

The contest will require you to do something but the raffle will only require a comment

please let me know!

Dont forget to let me know how you are liking the book

also would you guys like me to add a thing about Anikas past like before the first chapter or add it in when the book is done

not sure how many chapters i am making this XDD

also go check out  Eliza_hayden and the chapter in her book (linked to the side) of my book review! Give her some support and tell me if you agree with what she is saying!

this will be one of my longer chapters btw trying some new ideas/details out


As they got into the car she adjusted the seatbelt to protect her unborn baby, as they continued to drive she couldn't stop smiling, the thought of seeing people for the first time in months, honestly years. When she was younger she was never allowed outside, few people even knew of her existence. Those who did know were horrible to her, she was a mistake; one they wanted to keep hidden. She looked back to the child she had taken in, he slept soundly. She wanted to get him out of this so he would never have to hide it. If he didn't know he wouldn't have to pretend to be normal once they got out.

The small voice in her mind told her to just forget about having a normal life, and accept the fate she was being given. She had never known normal, so how could she learn after this? What would she have to do to gain the normality she would read in books as a young child.

"Are you alright?" Jace asked, she jumped slightly but turned to look at him.

She nodded. "Yes of course, I was just thinking of all the things I could buy for our children, and recipes I would like to try out. I was thinking if we added different spices and things the meat could taste significantly better then it already does." She hoped he took the lie, he smirked and nodded.

As they entered the small town her eyes grew wide, she had never seen so many people before. As she scanned the area she saw children running around, dogs chasing behind them. She saw stores filled with people wearing jeans and t-shirts. A few women were wearing dresses, others short clothes. She heard Jace grunt. "Are you okay Jace?" She asked admiring the ring on her finger.

"Those women show to much skin," he replied motioning his head towards a group of teen girls in short shorts and shorter skirts, their tops were either tank tops or crop tops, "A women should save their bodies for their husbands. That is why the only time you wear short clothes is when the two of us are alone." She nodded thinking he was sexist, or just raised backwards. But then she thought about it and remembered the home they just left; cannibals, rapists, and murderers. "Dont you agree love?"

She hesitated. "I..never saw people outside of my home so I didn't know that people wore clothes that short; but yes Jace you are right."

"You are so perfect, you have similar thoughts, and you already are far along in the pregnancy. We have a young son and soon to be another one." He laughed, she was slightly afraid of the laugh, his crazy was shining through.

A store caught her eyes, Mommy and Me the one stop shop for all your baby needs. "Darling, could we stop there?" She nearly gaged, darling, why did she say that? What was wrong with her. She really was loosing it, he smirked and pulled into the parking lot. As they exited the car Jace carefully got Carter and placed him in a small carrier. The two slowly walked into the store as Anika took in the small community. The smell of fresh baked goods wafting from the small bakery a few stores over, the wind blowing softly against her face. She finally smiled genuinely as they entered the store, a bell signaled their entrance and a kind hello from a women at the register, each row was a different color. Shades of pinks and blues, as well as pastels, neon, dark and light. Any color you could think of they probably had it.

"Can I help you at all?" Asked a young girl wearing a name tag, her smile was half hearted, she seemed to be tired. Her dark hair was frizzy and unkept while her eyes were droopy and grey.

"Just came to look, got another one on their way." She said with a small smile. If she could get to an employee in the back without Jace it may just work. She could get them out, she winked to the girl hoping she would notice something was up, but she left them without any questions. She silently cursed herself, how was she going to get away?

She had the sudden urge to pee, thank the baby pressing on her bladder. "Jace I need to pee, the baby." He loosened his grip on her and nodded, following slowly behind her. She found the sign and rushed in, after using the facility she noticed the door open and a women walked in. She had a uniform on and a walkie talkie in the other. She stayed for a minute. "Can you help me?" She whispered softly.

"Of course what do you nee-" The walkie went off. "Oh sorry sweetie just a second."

She new she couldn't be in there much longer so she had to go. "Never mind its..its alright." She said, her voice wavering as the women stepped away. She quickly made her way out of the room to see Jace had a cart filled with baby supplies: toys, diapers, bottles, sippycups, clothes all the way up to 24 months. He was practically stalk piling, she was worried it was because they weren't going to be coming back for a while.

"You like all of this?" He asked holding up different shirts and toys. She nodded, the smile on his face was practically priceless. The smile that was growing as he showed her more and more items made her almost giddy, then she looked at him with question.

"How are we paying for all this?" They didn't work, she wasn't really sure how they kept gas in their cars, and she knew that their homes were built by hand, and just replaced when things need be fixed.

He stared at her for a moment, and then spoke to her while speaking to Carter. "Oh mommy doesn't know how we get the money, isn't she silly." The baby cooed back as he waved his tiny hands around. He then stood straight and leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear, his voice low. "How many people come onto our property? They have money love." She nodded, thinking about all the ways they could be making revenue.

As they came to the register almost an hour later the smile on her face was plastered over the look of fear, her eyes were filled with fear. They would be leaving soon, going back to a place that was filled with torture and sadness, grief flooded over her randomly as she thought of all the people that had died in front of her. She was struggling to handle her emotions.

"Do you know what you are having yet?" The lady at the register asked.

Jace didn't reply, however she could tell he wanted to say boy. "No not yet."

"What do you hope it will be?"

"Boy. It will be a boy, I want a boy." Jace replied, she tried to hide the look of sadness in her face. What if she had a girl, would he not love her?

"Well then this handsome little guy will have someone to play with." She said as she gushed over Carter.

"Thank you," Jace said as they began to leave, she pretended to drop something and looked to the women as Jace kept watching.

"Please help." Was all she could manage, not verbal, but mouthed.

The women took a step back and went to find a phone, soon the two left the little town. She hoped someone was coming, but chances of that were slim. Half way home Jace's father switched cars with them just in case someone reported the car missing, he was going to drop it off by the river and head up on his own.

As they situated everything Jace noticed the look on her face. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I just already miss the smell of goodies." The lies slipped out almost to easy now, she couldn't fathom the idea of being truthful to him, or a feeling of complete safety.

"You can make anything you want when we get home." He replied softly, kissing her forehead. She nodded and they made their way back to what she called a prison and he called a home. Back to the place of fear and constant worry. A cult that pretended to care for he well being, she new she was just meant to bring children in and raise her family to be murderers and cannibals.

She wouldn't do it, no matter how it killed her.

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