Being A Kage's Daughter

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~History of the Sun Village~

Five hundred years ago, a small part of the Land of Waves broke off in the middle of a disastrous hurricane. As a result, it drifted away. After several years, it stopped drifting about and became an island. Though, to some it may not even seem like an island because it was so small.

Even with its small size ,however, it harbored many mountainous ranges, one large golden valley, vast forests, and even a few volcanos.

Soon after the island departed from the Land of Waves, a small group of immigrants stumbled upon this island. Having lived in the sea for most of their lives, they decided to explore. When finding it was indeed uninhabited, they decided to call this place their new home.

Several years after they had settled in, talk began to take place around the island. If they were going to become a true country, didn't they need a ruler? Therefore, the Kamiru clan stepped forward to be the leaders for they were the strongest clan this small island had. Their brother clan, the Mizumiru clan, disagreed. They thought that they were the strongest and deserved to lead the island.

After several weeks of throwing verbal abuse at each other, a civil war broke out on the small island between the Kamiru Clan and the Mizumiru Clan. This war was long and harsh. For seventy-four years, blood was shed on both sides. For seventy-four years, the island was in chaos as war progressed. And while they were fighting, they were still without a leader. Though, there is a reason as to why the war had lasted so long.

You see, both of these clans have unique kekkei genkei. The Kamiru clan's kekkei genkei allowed them to manipulate and create fire. The Mizumiru clan's kekkei genkei allowed them to manipulate, but not create, water. Just this simple difference made the Mizumiru clan envious of there brother clan. So when the Kamiru clan stepped up to become the leading clan, they felt like they were being ridiculed and demanded to be in a higher position than them. With all this tension and hate, war would soon be born.

On the seventy-fifth year of war, a new warrior stepped onto the battlefield. He was a young but very powerful man. His name was Kenroku Kamiru. He was a very strong shinobi and possessed his clan's kekkei genkei. One day passed since Kenroku had stepped onto the battle field when the war came to a sudden end. It's sole cause for diminishing was Kenroku himself. What was even more astounding, was while he was on the battlefield, he didn't kill a single person. No one knows how he did it, and still today people wonder how he could manage this impossible feat. Though, some do say that Kenroku's direct descendants know how he had performed this seemingly impossible action, and passed on this knowledge generation to generation.

Now, on with the story!!! 



"Will you just shut up, Ichiro! No one really gives a crap about how much your mother kept nagging you about cleaning your room before you left!" I screamed, finally at my breaking point. You see, Ichiro had a habit of going on and on and on about unimportant things while we were on missions. I have been ripping my hair out and biting my tongue for the last hour and a half trying to keep quiet and not flip out on him.

"Well I'm sorry, oh so powerful Red Bang of the Sun, not all of us have the privalage of having someone else clean their room for them," he sneered. An anime vein pretty much blew up on my forehead.

"Well you can shut the hell up, Ichiro. I don't have someone clean my room, I still have to clean my room like any normal person does. Because I am a normal person. Just because I'm the Ryokage's daughter doesn't make any difference. And we do not have servants." I told him menencingly, giving him my signature glare.

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