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Back to 13 years past, where I'm seven years old. My mother suddenly passed away leaving me alone. My mother was physically have weak body from the start but she never show it.

I knew mother trying to act strong despite her health, I knew that if mother give a birth another child, mother life will be in danger so I never ask for another siblings. 

Thus, I'm the only daughter of my mother and father. I believe that mother will be okay but it seem future are unpredictable, mother suddenly passed away due an incurable illness.

It's too sudden that I have not prepared for losing mother yet. In my life, mother was the warm light I has but now the warm light has gone.

I was crying nonstop, even after my father comforting won't stop me from crying. I'm not really close to my father because he always gone for work and the only person who beside me all the time was mother.

 My happiness and smile all lied to mother so every time I sees someone I don't know, my face become expressionless and don't want to go far from mother, it also applied to my father too.

I only look at father indifferently, not because I hate him or anything but I just not used to him even though he was my father.

After my mother passed away, father took initiative to take care of me despite of my indifference towards him. He knew that as my father, he never give time for me and cause me his own daughter look at him indifferently like I don't have a father at all.

Father really do all his best to make me look at him, as far as he even bring me to his company to look after me. 

Spending more time with me, always come home early, and even do the paper works at home. It took father one whole years to gain my trust.

The most amusing was when I called father 'daddy' and father give a tears of joy. Well, I never called father 'daddy' even though we were together, all I has done was nodded and only speaking when needed to.

I start to give smile to father but not often. I still expressionless toward people though.

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