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Karl shoving me in inside the car and ask his assistant to go town C. he nodded and drove away.

"So what kind of pet are searching again?" Karl ask starting the conversation.

"Cat and dog" I answer simply.


"Scottish fold, Persian, Husky, and Golden retriever" I said indifferently.

"Oh, a pair?" he continue.

"No, only the cat. I need two male dog, when it gets bigger, castrate it... train it to get rid of intruder and pest..." I said while looking outside the window.

Karl and Reixu give "..." looks and the atmosphere become quiet. It took 30 minutes to reach town C. First we stopped at famous cat shop. I enter it along with Karl while Reixu stay outside the car. I look around and see a lot type of cats. Karl talk to the clerk about something then he approach me together with the pets shop assistant.

"What do you want to find first?" he asked.

"Scottish fold" I replied simply and the assistant bring us to the Scottish fold cat breed section. I look around and see a big black fur ball curling itself at the corner of its cage. I stopped and staring at it.

"That's the rare black Scottish fold cat and the only one left. He doesn't like to interact with people though" the assistant said. I seems interested. I knocked the black fur ball cage.

"Hello there meow~..." I said and the fur ball slowly look up at me and showing its bright amber eyes. I smiled at the cat. My blue eyes meet with amber eyes.

"Can I open the cage door?" I said to the assistant and he nodded. I open the cage door and let the cat move to me with its own free will.

"Do you want me to become your new master?" I said smiling while looking at the black fur ball. The cat get up and stood majestically straight looking at me. A few minutes passed and the cat finally reach me. I smiled brightly and caress its fur, head, body and the cat give a purr sound. The assistant shocked to see the cat who won't acknowledge a master and don't interact with people actually, letting me touch it.

"I guess, he finally get his preferred master" the assistant said while smiling. I smiled.

"Then, I will take this with me" I said while rubbing the cat head. The assistant nodded. Scottish fold done now Persian.

"By the way, do you by any chance have a Persian cat with pure white snow fur and bright blue eyes here?" I asked the assistant.

"Oh, yeah! We have it. She just arrive at night yesterday and haven't been bought yet" he said and my eyes brightened.

"Take me there!" I said and we go to the Persian cat section. There I see the white Persian cat. I approach and she meow. I reach my hand to her and she rub her head on my hand. My heart melts.

"I'm going to be your new master" I said to the white cat while her paws on my hand. She meowing in approval. Well, Karl just watching from the side though, almost forgot that he exist.

Everything that needed for the cat has settled and will be sent to my address later. I pay and leave with the cats on my arms.

"You are not allergic to cat fur right?" I said turning my back looking at Karl with his calm face.

"No" he replied.

"You don't mind if I bring them inside your car right?" I asked again.

"I don't mind. Someone will clean for it anyway" he calmly said. I nodded and enter the car. I named the black fur ball as Midnight and Queenie for the white cat.

"What will you name them?" he asked.

"Queenie and Midnight" I replied and the cat seems like the name I given to them. Queenie is on the car seat while Midnight is on my lap looking at Karl.

'Why this cat even staring at me?" he said in his mind furrowed.

"That's a nice name. So, next is dog right?" asked Karl doing a staring contest with Midnight.

"Yep!" I said happily.

"Are you going to get the adult one? Its' not fit in the car" he said still furrowed.

"Don't worry, I want the young one so I can train it" I said with slightly chuckle at his worries.

"I see" he ended the conversation. The car become quiet again. Then we arrive at the pet dog shop. As usual Karl enter it together with me and Reixu taking care of the cat.

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