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A/N: Blood warning.


When Bakugou finally arrived, he skidded to a stop. He had to take his time to tell pro heroes what was going on and to explain to his classmates what happened. Some of them who had a provisional license were on their way, bringing along Mr. Aizawa.

He saw (Name) facing off a villain who had horns curling on the side of his head, with orange hair and wore what looked like a suit. He noticed that (Name) had wounds running along her forearms and her thighs, her brows creasing as she endured her pain. Behind her were a bunch of civilians, some injured, some were fine. Bakugou realized she was protecting them, that's why the villain didn't have any signs of damage on him.

The villain threw up his arms and blades emerged from them, aiming for (Name). She quickly put up an air shield, the weapons deflecting off of them. He wanted to help her, he wanted to get her out of there, but he can't do anything.

'That damn provisional license!' He clicked his tongue, fists clenching tightly.

"Get out of here! Now!" she yelled to the people behind her, a blade stabbing her shoulder as she looked away from the villain. "Agh!" she cried out, gritting her teeth as she took out the knife, blood dribbling down her arm as she flung it away. The people were screaming, running away, desperately trying to get to safety and using the villain's distraction as an escape. Bakugou assisted them, pointing to where they should go, but still staying where he was.

"That's a bit rude, princess!" he chuckled, taking a large sword from his chest, pointing it at her menacingly." You should keep your eyes on the enemy!"

"Their safety is more important than you are." she breathed out, preparing to hold him off, buying some time for the pro heroes to arrive and help her. "Oh, wait! I know you!" the villain laughed, smacking his hand over his forehead. "You're that pro-hero Kyoshi's daughter! No wonder you had the same quirk as hers!"

(Name)'s eyes widened as he spoke. 

A suspicion rose in her mind, distracting her momentarily. She let her guard down, sadness and anger overwhelming her whole body.

"If you really are her daughter, make like mommy and try saving him as fast as you can!"

The blade he was holding was then hurled at Bakugou's direction, her eyes following the weapon. As she saw who the villain was talking about, she reacted quickly, quicker than she thought she could be. As she leapt off the ground, an unpleasant image popped up in her mind.

No, she wasn't going to let that happen. It won't happen.

She tackled him to the ground, the sword barely missing her; managing to cut a bit of her hair in the process. Only then did she realize that the sharpness of the weapons he generated from his body can vary. The sword then lodged itself onto a concrete wall far from them.

Putting up a rock wall behind them, she proceeded to sock him on the jaw. He howled as he put a hand on the area where she striked him. "Ow! God, what the hell is wrong with you?!" he complained to the girl sitting on his stomach.

"What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?!" she yelled, looking at him directly. Beads of tears were at the corners of her eyes, her creased in worry. "I told you to go back to the school!"

"I told them what the fuck was going on and lots of heroes are coming to help you fight," he said, helping her up. "And even if you tell me to, I won't ever leave!"

"Stop being a stubborn asshole and get out of here!" (Name) cursed, crying and hitting him again. She wrapped her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. "I want you to be safe! You can't use your quirk because you don't have your provisional license! If I hadn't been there, you could have been stabbed! You could have been killed!"

"And so could you!"

"(Name)-chan! Kacchan!" 

They both looked to the source of the voice, seeing Midoriya with Iida, Kirishima, Mina and Ochaco running to them along with Mr. Aizawa. 

"Are you guys okay?!" Midoriya called, running faster than the rest of them. Bakugou ran to their direction first, telling them that the girl was injured with stab wounds. Aizawa then sprung into action, heading towards the villain to fight him off while his students would run to safety.

"Leave my kids alone." he muttered, rushing towards him. Though he was fast, the villain was quicker, launching five blades from his side. His eyes followed the weapons, and it was directed towards them.

While she was watching him run, she didn't notice that her defensive wall had been broken down, and a set of blades rushed past her, one for each of her friends. She gasped, and boosted herself using her earth bending, protruding an area to propel her to them faster.

"Look out!" she cried, swiping her hand, blasting them out of the way. The additional rush of air caused her to lose balance from the boost she gave herself, making herself stumble and fall into a pile of rubble, slamming her back onto a broken off concrete wall.

Unfortunately, she didn't manage to knock off the blades from their original aim. One of which that was meant for Bakugou had embedded itself into her torso, emitting a scream from her.

"(Name)!" all five of them called out to her, scrambling to get on their feet to get to her. Iida was the fastest one, ripping his pant leg in the process. His hands trembled as he saw the horrid display in front of him, grabbing her hand to keep her conscious.

Her breathing was weak, her hand on the grip of the large knife, her blood staining her clothes, even the chunk of concrete she was leaning on. Various wounds decorated her limbs, cuts and scratches adorned her face. 

'Oh, god. There's blood everywhere.' he thought, looking at his hands.

"Oh, oh my god. Wh-what do I do?!" Iida panicked, he and his friends were crying, thoughts racing through their mind, terrified of what might happen to the girl. "Call the fucking ambulance, you fucking idiot!" Bakugou yelled, pulling her onto him. Tears were collecting in his eyes as he hugged her. 

"Come on, stay alive for me, (Name)!" he pleaded, "Stay alive!" 

Riled up, Aizawa fought him with everything he had. He heard the wail of sirens and ambulances, and other heroes as they battled, getting cuts and hits from the villain didn't matter. 

His students mattered. Their lives mattered.

Her life mattered.

What would the population feel about a teacher failing to protect them? To protect her after that incident?

What would he do if he didn't stop this villain?

 What would Tomoe and Takae say?

He didn't stop landing hits on him, deactivating his quirk and mercilessly beat him to the ground.Nobody hurts his kids and gets away with it. Nobody.

"Eraserhead, that's quite enough." 

He turned to see Midnight at the scene, with Present Mic as well. His gaze went past them seeing (Name) being carried to ride an ambulance, Bakugou, Uraraka and Mina getting in with her while Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya were left behind. He removed his foot from the now unconcsious villain's head, dusting himself off.

"Shouta, are you alright?" Midnight asked, leaning to the side to look at him. He looked tired.

"Yeah. Still just a bit angry." he replied, watching the ambulance drive off, with her inside it.

He just hopes that if the media make a big deal out of it again, he would have the patience to speak politely.

For now, he'd have to figure out how to break it to her brothers about her injuries without setting them off.

That's gonna be so difficult.


It's a bit short and rushed.

I'm sleepy.

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