Strange Beginnings - Primo

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My OCs are mine. Please don't copy them. I don’t own the pictures. I don’t own YuGiOh 5Ds.

I was once an emperor in a secretive organization called Yliaster. I oversaw the projects we undertook to fulfill the ultimate objective. That objective is to protect the future from its complete and total destruction by human hands. I can say that the future is destroyed by humans because I am not one of them. My name is Primo. 

I had a cold, hard resolve back then. Those were the days before I met her. I was patrolling in the woods surrounding the compound that belonged to the organization when I saw a great streak of golden light in the sky. I immediately raced toward where the light had hit the ground, assuming that it was a meteor of some sort. When I got to the crash site, there was no meteor. Instead, there was a young woman. She appeared to be about 21 years old, with black hair, caramel colored skin, and delicate facial features. She wore gold-colored pants and a shirt of simple design.  I was about to pick her up to bring her in for investigation when her eyes snapped open, shone bright gold, and she dashed away. Naturally I gave chase. 

She ducked through the underbrush like a deer, with me falling behind. It seemed like the very forest itself was helping her and trying to stop me from catching her. Finally, she tangled her ankle in some thorns close to a clearing. That was where I caught up to her. I tried to pick her up again, but she fought with me, pulling a knife and a short sword that I am very sure weren't on her when I found her. Eventually, I was able to disarm her with my sword, but she grew TALONS in the place of her hands. While we were fighting I was able to look in her eyes, and I could see that she was afraid. That is what made me pause, back out of her reach, and set down my sword. This seemed to calm her, but not very much. 

She ripped free of the thorns and started to circle me. Her talons were still out, and that did not do anything to ease my mind. I could see the intelligence in her eyes. She was studying me, as if I was some interesting, yet volatile, lab experiment, but the fear was there as well. There was something very strange about this woman, and a primal feeling of terror began to well up within me. Yet, something drew me to her, and I felt something I had not felt in decades. She was starting to advance on me in a predatorily.  I tried speaking to her.

“It’s alright, I won’t hurt you” I said as I reached out a hand.                      

 In reply she let out a great scream that chilled my innards. That sound could never have been made by a human throat. It sounded vaguely reminiscent of an eagle’s cry, only a thousand times more powerful. This act only helped solidify a new theory I was forming about her. Suddenly, she lunged for me, and as my mechanical reflexes acted for me, a great, blinding light blasted between us. The next thing I knew, I saw her laying, motionless, on the ground. As I approached her, she didn’t move a muscle. As I bent down to pick her up, she remained limp. That night I brought her in for investigation. That night I will never forget.

I brought the strange girl in to the compound I shared with the other two emperors, Lester and Jakob. She lay limp in my arms all the way from the woods. Of course Lester, being the smart-mouthed brat, had to block the way to my rooms.

“Where have you been?!” he growled. “Jakob and I have been waiting for you for hours! And what are you doing with that?!” He pointed at the girl in my arms. “You know Jakob’s gonna lose it when he finds out you went behind his back again.”

I said nothing and simply walked as if I was making my way to the sick ward.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

“Shut up Lester” was all I could think of to say. I continued to my rooms, leaving the indignant boy standing in the hallway. When I mercifully arrived at my quarters, I went in, set the girl down on the bed, and locked the door. Leaning against it, I pondered what my next move would be. I decided I should check in with Jakob, to see if the plan was running smoothly as usual. I immediately teleported myself to the throne room.

“And where have you been?” rumbled Jakob as soon as I arrived.

“Scouting” I replied tersely. “There is nothing to be concerned about.” Thank Z-one that Lester wasn’t in the room.

“Hmmmm” was Jakob’s only reply as he settled back against his throne.

My thoughts immediately returned to the girl locked in my bedroom. Who is she? I wondered. And where did she come from? Certainly she could not have been that comet… No. That’s ridiculous. Then again, she DID have some strange features. Something more is going on here. The sudden silence in the room startled me.

“WHAT?” I snapped angrily.

“Where you even paying attention?” Lester muttered.

He must have come in while I was thinking about the girl.

 “Say that again.” I demanded quickly. I refuse to be preoccupied with thoughts of the female. Jakob repeated his question, which I answered. He then went on speaking about how we were to complete The Circuit using the abilities of Yusei and the Signers. My thoughts began to wander again…

 By the time the meeting was over, it was well past midnight. As I was making my way to my rooms for a recharge, I remembered the girl I had left inside. Scrap. I thought. She would require food and clothing and other things during her stay here, things that I no longer needed. I swiftly made my armor morph into more human clothing, and I made my way to the closest convenience store. I hate mingling with disgusting humans. I thought furiously as I grabbed some produce. I also added some cans and boxes of food to my inventory. Finally, I grabbed some clothes of random sizes and brought everything to the register. After the man checked out all of my things, I made my way to a back alley to change back into my armor. I teleported back to Yliaster.

When I returned to my rooms, I discovered that the girl was no longer there. I searched every closet, nook, and cranny throughout my apartments. She was nowhere to be seen. I even checked the locks on the windows; they were untouched. I sprinted out of my rooms and down all the hallways looking for her. Obviously I couldn’t scream her name because 1. I don’t know her name and 2. It would alert Jakob to her presence. Jakob. I stopped dead in my tracks. I teleported myself, for the second time today, to the throne room. “Where. Is. She.” Jakob turned his rather foreboding gaze on me.

“You are foolish for trying to play this game again Primo.”

“What have you done with her?!” I yelled in indignation.

“She is in the medical ward. She is going to die” Jakob responded monotonously.

“WHAT?!” I screamed. “I was going to have her interrogated!!”

“Were you really?! Or were you going to hide her from us and try to play the game of love again?” Jakob asked me with vehemence.

“No!” I retorted with equal vehemence.

“Then you will stand back and let her die.”

I stood there stunned. Then a thought came into my mind.

“No. You can’t kill her. She is not human. I saw her crash in the woods and she is something far different, something far more powerful. I have seen what she can do. She possesses abilities well beyond our own.”

“What do you mean?” Jakob replied tensely.

“She tried to fight me in the woods yesterday. She had a sword, knife, and talons that came from her fingers.”

“You lie Primo. You really think I will believe such a child’s tale? What has gotten into you?” Jakob ridiculed.

“I’m not lying! You can’t kill her!”

Suddenly, we hear an enormous blast, Blam! And a great resounding crash as the wall between the throne room and the compound exploded into a million huge pieces. Jakob and I both whipped around as Lester appeared hurriedly in his throne, attempting to catch his breath.

Gulping down great breaths he screamed “She’s freaking insane! No one can blow apart a wall like that!”

“Apparently she can.” Jakob murmured. “What is she?”

“I have no idea.” I replied, dumbfounded.

 As the debris began to clear, I saw her. She lay atop the great chunks of stone...looking quite lifeless. “Now do you see what you have done?!” I thundered at Jakob. He stood there motionless. I jumped off my throne in an attempt to get close to the female. In a haze of déjà vu, I carried her once again up to my rooms.

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