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Elsa's P.O.V

--- LUNCH ---

 "Hey Els over here!" Merida shouts from the other side of the cafeteria.

"Hey Mer, how's it hangin" I ask her "okay what happened this time?" Merida says looking at me.

Merida has been my best friend for as long as I know, sure like way back when Merida, Rapunzel and I were friends it was Rapunzel and I who were close, but now it's me and Merida who're close. I tell her everything she knows about Hans, jerk frost... I mean Jack Frost and Rapunzel. "Hans lost his sh*t at me and I don't know why" I tell Merida.

"I know and so does the whole school".

"Really?" I look at her with my mouth opened.

I place my hands on my face feeling embarrassed then I play with my hair.

"Is there something wrong with my relationship with Hans?" I asked her.

"Everything" she responds.

"Wow thanks mer" I say rolling my eyes.

"Sorry lass but here me out, Hans has been constantly cheating on you and you're okay with that, he is always drinking and hurting you mentally and physically but you're still okay with it" Merida pauses. I looked down at my food feeling not hungry because she is right about all of that. "I can tell deep down you're not okay and that's why the relationship with Hans needs to end" Merida adds. "Is that so red-head" Hans says behind Mer I could hear Merida mumbling swear words in her Scottish tone.

"What do you want?" I tell Hans.

"Can we talk privately?" He said "depends, what's it about?"

"Us," Hans replies.

"I'll see you in physics soon" I tell Merida.

"Text me if anything happens," she whispers.

Hans and I went for a walk and we ended up finding a place to sit on the grand stand overlooking the cheerleaders doing their practice.

"So you want to talk about us" I said to Hans "Right well Elsa..."

As Hans was talking my heart started pumping and I was shaking, then my heart stopped I was in complete shock and what did I do...?

I ran away, why? Because I always run away when I'm broken.


Jack's P.O.V

Out of all classes I could've had today, why this one?! I seriously think this teacher is talking slowly so I can fall asleep on purpose. I looked around my surroundings and half the students were either asleep, talking to friends or on phones.

 "Mind if I sit here man?" I look up and saw my old bud

 "Eugene?" I say as he looks at me with surprise glowing in his face.

"Jack my bro!" Eugene said as he sat down and gave me a 'bro hug'. 

"Excuse me, ms yzma may I be excused?" Merida says standing up

 "No you may not now sit down and do your work" Ms Yzma said 

"Look at the classroom, is anyone doing what they're suppose to? No because you know why, this class is boring and you also know who makes it even more boring? You," Merida says and she walks to the door leaving. Students started laughing and saying 'burn'.

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