The Accident (1)

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Morning soon came to our new couple who held each other in their sleep. Lance had his arms wrapped around Keith's waist whereas Keith had his around Lance's torso. Neither of them wished to awake from sleep, seeing as this was the best night's sleep since they flew into space. Keith was the first to stir awake by the sound of screaming from down the hallway. Keith groaned as he tried to get out of bed only for Lance to tighten his grasp around Keith. "Lance wake up! Did you not hear the screaming just now?" Exclaimed Keith as he tried to shake Lance awake. Lance groaned opening his eyes and looking at Keith. "Don't worry about it mi Hermosa Lila. (my gorgeous lilac) From what I learned yesterday from helping around here some prominent space actor is stopping by the hotel for a few days." Explained Lance yawning. At this Keith relaxed some in Lance's arms. "We still need to get up soon to go eat and go help out." Said Keith.

Lance groaned more as he nuzzled into Keith holding onto him more. "I know we do, but I don't want to.~" Said Lance. "Please 5 more minutes Mullet~." Keith tapped his chin a bit before speaking. "Okay, but you have to tell me what you earlier. That's the second or third time I've heard you say that and I'm curious to know what you're calling me." At this, Lance shot up wide awake looking at Keith as if he grew another head. "Wh-What do you mean? What did I say?" Said a flustered Lance looking at Keith. 'I didn't say what I think I did, did I?'  "I believe you said 'Mi Hermosa Lila'." Said Keith as he sat up from the bed. After hearing this Lance covered his face in his hands embarrassed. "So it is what I thought it was." Sighed Lance. Lance pulls his hands away from his face and grabs Keith's hands gently. "It means 'My gorgeous lilac'. Because to me, you remind me a lot of that flower." He explained. Keith blushed a little at this but still smiled as he kissed Lance's cheek. 

"That's very sweet of you Lance, but time to be less of the goofball Sharpshooter I love and get ready to start the day's work." Said Keith as he made his way out of the bed and went towards the closet. "Ohh I should warn you about the hunting party! They comprise 2 teams Hunters or Scavengers. The Hunters track and kill specific animals in groups whereas the Scavengers go look for more materials for tools, or berries. You can ask if they'll give you a gun, but you might be put in the Scavenger's party today." As he picked up the uniform he was given to wear today, he explained to Keith. As he looked it over he felt a small shiver go up his spine before putting it back in the drawers. "I um... I think I need to ask for a new uniform. I don't think I should be wearing that." Said an embarrassed Keith.  At this, Lance stood up smirking, and came up behind Keith and leaned down against him. "Ohhh come on Keith I wore it yesterday and it wasn't that bad." Said Lance. "Plus I think you'll look even better in it and no one will dare to touch you since you're still rocking the hickey I left on your neck yesterday. I can give you even more if you want me Mppphhh!" Keith covered Lance's mouth with his hand blushing more. 

"Unless you want to lose that tongue of yours don't finish that sentence." Threatened Keith as he gave a soft glare at Lance. Lance nods his head and quickly pulls away. "G-Got it Keith." Said Lance in a startled tone. "Is it that bad compared to mine?" He continued. Keith sighs as he pulls out the garment and holds it in front of himself to show Lance.  It does indeed look similar to the one Lance wore, but with a few changes. The front of the silk clothing was spilt down the middle to about the stomach area. The bottom half of the clothes weren't any better for trying to keep modest. The bottom was a lot higher up compared to Lance's. Whereas his went down to his ankles, Keith's only seemed to reach his knee's/mid thigh. This design seemed to be more fitted for nighttime entertainment for a couple vs as a maid. Yeah, there was no way he was gonna let Keith wear that outside this room. This was something only Lance should be able to look at and admire. "Now do you see. There is no way I can go out wearing this. This is way too feminine and revealing. B-Besides I don't want a repeat of yesterday happening while you not hear." Said Keith. 'Plus I'd rather wear this for your eyes only after watching you gawk at me like that just now.' He thought as he watched Lance nod in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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