You wear their shirt to bed.

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Disclaimer: Some implied NSFW content. Enter at own risk.

Danse- You are the most precious thing he has ever seen.... looking so tiny and almost child like in his giant white t-shirt. He can't take it. Slipping into bed, he scoops you up and places you on his chest.
"Who gave you permission to wear that?" He teases, running his hands up your back as if to take the stolen item off causing you to laugh and squirm on top of him earning her a poke by his very hard cock.
"Your mine, so what's yours is mine. Right?" He tries to fake a glare and fails, shaking his head before claiming your lips with a kiss.
"Your lucky your cute, Knight."

Deacon- You disappeared off to bed long before he was tired, but it was long past dark now he figured he might as well try to sleep. Upon entering the bedroom he is greeted by a sleeping your sleeping form blankets kicked off to stay cool, sprawled out over their bed. Shapely legs exposed, the hem of the shirt had ridding up over your hip exposing that you really were wearing JUST his t-shirt, round little ass out in the open air.
Such a tempting sight. Crawling over you, he ran his hands up your backside and under the gathered shirt, causing her eyes to flutter open.
"I think this is mine?" He accused, eyebrow raised as he tugged at the sleepwear.
"It's comfy, besides I look better in it anyway."
"That, sweetheart. Is up for debate!" You don't even have time to argue before Deacon is kissing and peeling you out of that shirt, leaving it discarded on the floor.

Hancock- "Hey sunshine, have you seen my—" There she is, the most beautiful woman in the commonwealth, lying in his bed, wearing his stolen shirt.
The loose fitting tunic drapes around your frame and opens all the way down your chest leaving the soft mounds of your breast exposed. He must be soooo high right now, cause this is wet dream shit right here.
You laugh, as that last thought slips out past his lips. Shit. "Are you just gonna stand there? Or?"
She doesn't have to ask twice

Maccready- Mac stands frozen in the doorway in a stunned silence. You was curled up in your shared bed, his green button up wrapped around you tightly from your tossing and turning like you always did if he wasn't there to hold you down. You had only buttoned it up halfway so one breast was totally popped out just begging him to touch it. And who was he to resist.
Without touching any other part of you he placed his mouth around that tempting nipple causing you to jump awake. His hands shoot up, holding you down and you realizewhat was happening. And he smirks as you try to act like you didn't plan for something like this. He rolls you hard little bud with his younger, earning a beautiful moan.
He tilts back his hat to let you see his eyes as they sparkle victoriously. "You know you really shouldn't take things that aren't yours."

Nick- What's His is Yours, you knows that. And you often use his bed on the regular, collapsing into it after a long run in the commonwealth exhausted. Normally he would leave her be, bugging Ellie about a new case or typing up reports on your last one. But tonight he he find himself missing you. He can help it, it was a long day and he just want to see you even if it was just to watch you sleep for a short while.
Reaching his room he pushes the door open slowly so not to wake you up and relays freeze for a second as he takes in what he see's. Bathed in the red glow of his neon sign, you are curled up in his bed in one of his button up shirts your  peaceful face buried down in the collar, nice a cozy. He smiled, what's mine is hers.
As if noticing his presence You toss a little and opens your eyes. "Hey Handsome."
"Hey Doll. Nice nightgown."
"Oh? This old thing?" She smiles coyly. "Why don't you come take a closer look?"
Never one to refuse a lady nick kicks off his shoes... and the rest of his cloths to follow.
Preston- Being a minuteman is a hard job, a never ending job, and a lot of the time it's a job that robs Preston of his ability to sleep. Thinking and pacing Preston doesn't even notice you leaning on rail of the stairs, watching him.
Preston comes to an abrupt halt, eyes wide as they take in the view. You are wearing his undershirts. It's way to long for you, skimming midway down her thighs, but the thin shoulder straps are too long as well and barely cover your breasts as you lean over to get his attention. "What you thinking about?"
"You know babe, suddenly I can't remember..." Preston is up the stairs before you can say "New Settlement", wrapping you up in his arms and carrying you away. His eyes dark and full of mischief. "But I know what I'm thinking about right now?"
Macon- He has started insisting that you share his personal quarters when you first started sleeping together, not wanting his lover to make the walk of shame back to the barracks and start gossip. (It couldn't possibly be because he enjoys sleeping next to you... don't be silly.) but with his job being the way it is you at often left alone until late at night and wake up alone as well. So more often than not you steal his shirts to feel closer to him. He know this and doesn't mind, though he has to admit he prefers it when you sleep nude.
Travis: He was still kind of a mess when it came to sharing a bed with you, so when he came downstairs and found you sleeping in one of his t-shirts he damn near had a heart attack. It was a little tight, clinging to your curves and muscles in a way that made his chest feel too tight and just long enough to cover your ass and made your legs look impossibly long.
He stood in your room star struck till you finally woke and gave him a frown. "What are you doing?"
"I ... umm ... I was ... uhh coming  to bed...."
You couldn't help but notice the way his eyes skimmed over your exposed thighs. "Well then, what cha waitin for ?"
He took a deep stabilizing breath before plunging under the bed with you.
Sturges: This isn't the first time you've stolen his shirt. You like feeling close to his when he's up late working on things for Preston. And every time you do he thinks it the cutest thing in the world. You just look like your going to drown in a shirt that is borderline tight on him  and it just feels like a metaphor for how much he wants to protect you.
When he finally comes to bed he always finds you curled up in a ball around one of his pillows, snoring lightly and wrapped in his his white t-shirt and he just smiles  and replaces the pillow with his arms wrapping myself around you.

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