Chapter Five

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        I feel his presence even in my sleep.
I'm sure if he wasn't engaged I'd snuggle in closer and fall back to sleep peacefully.
Sadly, that isn't the case.

        My eyes slowly open up and I'm faced with the dark eyes that now haunt my dreams.
In just three short days; I fell in love with a stranger, then lost the stranger to someone else, and now he won't leave me alone to be heartbroken in peace.

"Get your arms off me and go back to Angel"

       I snarl out the name I gave her before shoving as hard as I can to be met with what feels like solid steel.

"Who's Angel?"

        His steel like arms now feeling gentle as he nuzzles my hair like he isn't already taken.
Men are seriously scum.

"She's your soon to be wife and the reason why you can't touch me. So if you'd be so kind as to find her, I'd be eternally grateful"

         I'm sure my monotone did little to show my sincerity but I'm really hurting.
Even now, all I want to do is cuddle up to him and fall asleep in the safest place I've ever felt.

"Jealousy doesn't become you, Flower. I've already told you that the second I can get out of this betrothal, I'm out of it.
My heart is yours as well as my soul.
No one will ever compare to that, not any angel that falls from the sky when I have my personal little slice of heaven staring at me right now trying not to blush."

           As soon as he said that, I felt my whole face flush and I cursed myself silently.
I believed every word he said.
I just didn't know if it was because I wanted to or if because it was all true.
I didn't know him well enough yet to determine that.

       Although one thing was for certain; I knew he was telling the truth about being soul mates.
Ever since I laid on eyes him it's like I've known him forever and he's my home. My very being calls out for him every second now, even when I'm angry at him.

     His smirking face at my sudden silence was the straw that broke all of my resolve.
I needed him so badly that I ached just to have him kiss me again.
To touch me again, or even just give me one of his gorgeous smiles.

        I leaned my fingers forward to caress is porcelain like face and it felt so good just to have my fingertips touch him.
Phoenix has his eyes closed so I know he must be enjoying this light contact too.

        Smiling to myself, I want to make this moment last just in case I don't get one again.
I would allow us both this little bit of pleasure but as long as that woman was here, I didn't want to feel like lesser option in everyone else's eyes
Taking a deep breath, I let my worries go for the moment.

"Kiss me."

       No sooner had I said those two words before he was crashing his lips into mine.
My arms snaked around his neck as soon I had them free.
He had made his way on top of me and I could feel his tense muscles rubbing against my already on fire body.
He bit my bottom lip which felt like a suggestion for me to open up my mouth for him to explore fully.

"Phoenix.." I breathed into his mouth as he moved his leg up to rub in between my thighs.
I felt this newfound sensation between my legs that was getting really hot.
I'm not a total dunce, I know what the feeling is but I've never had any experience with guys like this.

       I felt so good that I didn't know what to do with myself.
His touching me and his mouth desperately trailing kisses down my jaw to a very sensitive spot right about my right collar bone.

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