Chapter Eight

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         It's been a few days since I stumbled into the castle.
I've been avoiding even leaving the bedroom.
It isn't depression that makes me want to stay curled up under the covers; it's fear.
I'm literally in a completely different world and I know almost nothing about it still.

        Phoenix has been very understanding about everything and he's brought all of my meals up personally and spends little breaks in here.
He says this is now our bedroom, and he asked me what I'd like changed to incorporate a more feminine touch.

      I haven't been about to think of anything since it's already so beautiful, and the clothes Phoenix had stocked in one of the closets are all way nicer than I've ever worn or thought I'd wear.

     Even now, as I lay in the bed and read a history book I'm bundled up in marching pajamas that are so comfortable I keep forgetting I even have them on.
I've never had this relaxation and I may be milking this fear, but I don't care.

       Just when I'm about halfway through the book, the doors open and look up to greet Phoenix since he's the only one who wouldn't knock first.
Except it's Phoenix and two women.

The women take my attention obviously.

     One of them looks to be about my age and she has long brunette hair that reaches the middle of her back and she has on a simple black dress.
Her slender body reminds me of the models I saw in magazines or in the rare times we saw something other than news on the tv.
She has so many necklaces and rings that I'm interested if she has every piece she owns on.
It also sours my mood that she's very pretty.

      The other girl looks a little younger, maybe around sixteen or so.
She's a dirty blonde with a pixie cut.
Her eyes make me intake a breath rather sharply.

      I've never seen someone with violet eyes in person.
Although, I'm not sure if they're real or not.
I get the feeling they probably are.
Her outfit is a bit louder with a bright red crop top and leather pants paired with studded ankle boots.

       They stop by the entrance while Phoenix walks to where I am.

"Good afternoon, Flower. It took a little convincing on my part, but a couple of witches from the nearby coven agreed to come meet you.
This is Anna and Arabelle"

He gestured to Pixie cut as Anna and the brunette as Arabelle.
I smile politely before standing up to grab Phoenix's outstretched hand.

"I'm Daisy, it's very nice of you two to come here for me."

Anna grins while Arabelles expression doesn't change except for a twitch of her mouth.

"No sweetie, we didn't just come for you. You're making history just by being alive.
It's not enough that you were born into one of the most magically gifted covens, only to be hidden away for many years: you're the first witch to be mates with a vampire.
You're already famous and with your mate being none other than King Phoenix; it's for our kind that we meet you."

     Anna finishes with a little giggle like she can't be more delighted with the situation.
Her giggling doesn't really fit her image but I feel myself already warming to her and I have a good feeling.
I like honesty and I can tell she didn't shy away from telling me the whole truth.
Arabelle on the other hand; I'm not sure.

"You ladies will have whatever you wish to help Daisy with her magic.
We're not really sure what her affinities are and I'm a little curious myself to figure it out."

      To my dismay, Phoenix gives me a kiss before nodding at the girls and exiting the room.
He flashed away probably so I couldn't protest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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